What Deepika Padukone and Meryl Streep wore on 16/07/2018



Priyanka Chopra with Nick Jonas in New York

  Amanda-Seyfried-in-Alexander-McQueen-in-London-Getty "title =" Amanda-Seyfried-in-Alexander-McQueen-in-London-Getty "</figure>
<p>  Amanda Seyfried in Alexander McQueen in London </p>
<div class=
  Deepika-Padukone-in-Mumbai-airport5 "title =" Deepika-Padukone-in-Mumbai-airport5 "/> </figure>
<p>  Deepika Padukone in Nike at Mumbai Airport [19659008] Esha-Gupta-in-Ranian-and-Pastels-and-Pop "title =" Esha-Gupta-in-Ranian-and-Pastels-and-Pop "/> </figure>
<p>  Esha Gupta in Ranian and Pastels and Pop [19659010] Image: Instagram.com/egupta</p>
<div class=
Heidi-Klum in New York

Heidi Klum in New York

  Janhvi-Kapoor-in-Ritika-Mircha ndani-Minerali-Silver-Streak-and-Needledust-at-Dhadak-promotions-at-Chandigarh [19659003] Janhvi Kapoor in Ritika Mirchandani, Minerali, Silver Streak and Needledust at Dhadak promotions at Chandigarh


Kangana Ranaut wearing a Louis Vuitton backpack in Mumbai

  Meryl-Streep-in-Marni-Norman-Silverman -and-Edie-Parker -in-London-Rex-Characteristics

Meryl Streep in Marni, Norman Silverman and Edie Parker in London

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/ * var id1 = button_1_meta;
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* /

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other {
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// Get the instory CTA
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$ (# Topadbnr #); data (& # 39; init & # 39; true);
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// Get the following story
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// Related stories start
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/ * if (is_sponsored == 1)
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get_related_stories (data.page_no, data.article_id, no, data.category_term_id, topic_tags.join (& # 39;));
} * /

if (! data.sponsored_status) load_instory_cta_ajax (data.article_id, data.page_no, data.category_term_id, data.magazineid);

// mustache code
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if (data.issue_id)
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if (! data.is_magazine)
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$ ("# topadbnr"). html (data.leaderboard_ad);
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$ ("# secondary-mpu-ad-slot"). html (data.mpu_ad2);
mpuAd = data.mpu_ad;
if (! data.is_mobile)
dfpCount = 0;
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var currentDiv = $ ("# next_story _" + (parseInt (page number)) + & # 39; _ + next_article_id);
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if (! data.is_mobile)
$ (# Post - + data.article_id + & # 39; .in-story-slideshow & # 39;). each (function () {
gtmNextArrowTop ();
processBrightcoveVideos ();
if (animation == 1)
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scrollTop: $ ("# next_story _" + (parseInt (page_number)) + & # 39; _ & # 39; + next article_number) .offset (). top - $ ("# navBar"). outerHeight () - $ (# topadbnr & # 39;). outerHeight () + 20
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onloadAjax.initAll ();
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if (animation == 1)
console.log ($ ("# next_story _" + (parseInt (page_number)) + & # 39; _ + + next_article) .offset (). top, $ ("# navBar"). outerHeight (), $ (# Topadbnr & # 39;) .outerHeight ());
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scrollTop: $ ("# next_story _" + (parseInt (page_number)) + & # 39; _ & # 39; + next article_number) .offset (). top - $ ("# navBar"). outerHeight () - $ (# topadbnr & # 39;). outerHeight ()
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load_start = 1;
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gtmMagazineHomeSubscribe ("WebStory Page -" + $ (this) .data ("price"), "Click the" Subscribe "button);

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$ (& # 39; .reg_wall_v2 & # 39;). width ($ (& # 39 ;. has-responsive-video) width ());

Source link