You do not need to spend hours at the gym to stimulate your body and your brain – here's how long your workout should take


  A woman running a jogging exercise Shutterstock

  • Cardio could be the closest thing to a miracle drug that we have, but that should not take a whole day.
  • Ideal window for exercises like cycling, swimming or brisk walking – and it's less than an hour
  • All of these movements increase your heart rate and get you moving and sweat in a way that seems beneficial to our moods and muscles more than other workouts focused solely on weightlifting or stretching.

Cardio could be the closest thing to a miracle drug we have, but it should not take a whole day.

Spending 30 to 45 minutes a day on exercises such as cycling, swimming or brisk walking is the perfect way to get the most out of your body and brain.

These movements increase your heart rate and cause you to sweat and sweat. way that seems to benefit our moods and muscles more than other exercises focused solely on weightlifting or stretching. To do them right, scientists have a few pointers that go beyond mere 30-minute timing.

Why cardio is so important for the well-being

  woman girl swim swimming pool water skin face relax calm "data-link =" https: // Unsplash / Haley Phelps A growing body of research suggests that when we engage in regular workouts that increase our heart rates and make us move and sweat for a prolonged period of time Magic things happen to the body and the brain

We think more clearly, we feel better overall and protect our brain against some of the cognitive decline that occurs with age.

"Aerobic exercise … has a unique ability," write the authors of an article published in the "Mind and Mood" blog of Harvard Medical School. tonic, our hearts are getting stronger and more p The researchers are still unsure of why this type of exercise offers such an important boost to our brain and to our body, but some studies suggest that It must do with an increase in blood flow, which provides our minds with energy and fresh oxygen.

A recent study in elderly women with potential symptoms of dementia also showed that aerobic exercise was related to an increase in the size of the hippocampus. According to a recent study by the Journal of Physical Therapy Science

another reason may be related to the cardio's ability to help reduce the body's natural stress hormone levels, such as adrenaline and the cortisol. Half an hour is where magic happens

  A woman running a jogging exercise All it takes to start seeing these benefits is about 30 minutes, according to several recent studies.

The paper examined the exercise habits of hundreds of breast cancer survivors who exhibited symptoms such as the "chemo brain," implying memory loss and difficulty concentrating. The researchers found that only 30 minutes of aerobic exercise such as walking were linked to significantly better performances on cognitive quizzes.

Another study published in May provided additional support for this research – it found that in adults aged 60 to 88 walking for 30 minutes four days a week for 12 weeks seemed to enhance connectivity in an area of ​​the brain where weak connections were related to memory loss.

Similarly, a pilot study in people with severe depression found only 30 minutes. walking on a treadmill for 10 consecutive days seemed to be "sufficient to produce a clinically relevant and statistically significant reduction in depression."

Other research suggests that it might be better to cardio for a few more minutes.

A study by the British Medical Journal found that in adults over the age of 50, the best results for the brain appear to come from a routine aerobic exercise aligned with resistance training (i.e. It lasted at least 45 minutes

This means that for maximum benefits for your body and your brain, you do not need to spend hours at the gym.Find a window of time between 30 and 45 minutes you can do when you have the most energy, and engage it a few times a week

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