Malware hidden in Call of Duty cheat software proves cheaters never thrive


Hackers have been hiding malware in cheat software for Call of Duty: Warzone and tried to broadcast it to ‘cheaters cheaters’, as an Activision report calls them (via Vice).

You can read the full report here, but it explains that there was a hacker campaign to try and get Warzone players to download a fake cheat engine. Once the players execute it, the malware can then infect the computer with the payload chosen by the hacker.

In short: cheaters never thrive. If the malware does not reach you, you will likely be banned from the game instead.

Gamers downloading cheats to help them pwn and then get pwn is nothing new. Admit it: I wasted my childhood being a serial cheater, glancing at my sister Battleship get on board or slip me a few $ 100 more by acting as a banker in Monopoly. And by playing video games, I cheated too. Never online (I had internet access when I was Modern warfare 2), but I certainly downloaded my fair share of fixes and mods to try and make games easier or get better loot.

I absolutely would pay for it, shut down the family’s computer with a nasty virus, and spend the rest of the day fixing the computer before my mom came home.

Call of Duty isn’t the only one with hack infested hacks: gamers download cheats for Valuing, Fortnite, Minecraft, and Roblox all had nasty surprises. It seems like today’s gamers are learning the same lesson that I am: if you cheat at the game, you are really only cheating yourself.


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