Man treated for 5 years for lung cancer, he finally did not receive the correct diagnosis


Man treated for 5 years for lung cancer, he finally did not receive the correct diagnosis

Five years ago, Paul Bell had received a dreaded diagnosis: metastasized lung cancer. Or at least that's what two different doctors thought. He was treated all the time, but came out worse than before. He decided to seek further advice from the St. Luke Precision Center for Oncology, where the 20,000 cancer genes with genomic sequencing are being tested. Most hospitals only test 600. Then he discovered that he had a different type of cancer than the one his other doctors believed. Watch the video above to learn more about Paul's story.

Five years ago, Paul Bell had received a dreaded diagnosis: metastasized lung cancer.

Or at least that's what two different doctors thought. He was treated all this time, but came out worse than before.

He decided to get another opinion at the St. Luke Precision Center for Oncology, where the 20,000 cancer genes with genomic sequencing are being tested. Most hospitals only test 600.

Then he discovered that he had a different type of cancer than the one his other doctors believed.

Watch the video above to learn more about Paul's story.


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