Mandatory vaccination checks: aldermen want proof, restaurants don’t | Chicago News


Visiting a bar, restaurant, ice rink, bowling alley or theater in Chicago? You may be asked to prove that you have been vaccinated against COVID-19.

Proof of such status is not required, however, and a coalition of restaurateurs say it should never be. But a group of eight city council members have a different point of view.

In a September 9 letter, Alds. Carlos Ramirez Rosa (35th), Byron Sigcho-Lopez (25th), Scott Waguespack (32nd), Rosanna Rodriguez-Sanchez (33rd), Andre Vasquez (40th), Michelle Smith (43rd), Matt Martin (47th) and Maria Hadden ( 49th) wrote to Public Health Commissioner Dr Allison Arwady to support Chicago requiring proof of COVID-19 vaccination in indoor public places, including restaurants, similar to the requirements of cities like New York, San Francisco and New Orleans.

“We believe it is time for Chicago to do the same given (1.) the uncontrolled community transmission of the Delta variant (2.) the threat of new variants (3.) approaching colder weather that will drive residents Chicago to indoor activities and (4.) free and readily available FDA-approved and emergency COVID-19 vaccines, ”according to the letter.

In a statement earlier this month, the city’s joint information center was ambivalent on the matter.

“Our goal as a city is for Chicago to remain both open and safe, and at this point we are maintaining good control of COVID compared to most of the rest of the country. We require masks for all persons 2 years of age and older in all indoor public places and are in communication with the business community on other mitigation measures they can take to slow transmission and keep people safe. Chicagoans, ”the statement read. “We will continue to monitor locations across the country and around the world that have vaccine requirements in place for certain companies, and the results of those requirements. Many businesses and establishments in the Chicago area have already chosen to require proof of vaccination and we strongly support them. We continue to monitor data on a daily basis and will adapt public health guidelines as needed, as we have done throughout the pandemic. “

Mary Kay Tuzi of the Twin Anchors Restaurant and Tavern, a family-run establishment in the old town known for its ribs, calls the idea of ​​imposing this obligation on restaurants “mind-boggling”.

Tuzi said she was understaffed and therefore lacked the human power to take on the task, nor did she think it would be appropriate for young hosts to potentially have to grapple with it. of prickly customers offended at being asked to show their COVID-19 vaccine status.

“So how they expect us to have someone at the door to check immunization cards is beyond my comprehension. Unless the city wants to provide someone to stand there and do it, ”Tuzi said. “It’s amazing how the aldermen came up with this idea. Again, let’s put the burden on restaurants when it’s not something we can handle; we are not trained to handle it. Even though they train us, we still don’t have the staff to do so.

People are dining in Chicago on June 1, 2021 (WTTW News)People are dining in Chicago on June 1, 2021 (WTTW News)

Roger Romanelli, head of the Fulton Market Association, said it is the city’s responsibility to increase COVID-19 vaccination rates.

“Instead, we see the government spending a lot of time without focusing on the vaccine. They renamed Lake Shore Drive and spent hours and hours there, instead of focusing on vaccinations, ”he said. “The failure does not come from restaurants to vaccinate people, government officials need to step up their efforts.”

Romanelli said the mayor and aldermen should work to get 90% of Chicagoans vaccinated by the end of October, and they could do so by targeting cash prizes in neighborhoods or community areas where the rates are particularly low.

Chicago announced Thursday that the public health department has administered 10,000 vaccines to Chicagoans during home visits. People who get vaccinated through the City at Home program are eligible to receive $ 100 for completing a series of vaccines.

From Sunday, Chicago COVID-19 Dashboard shows that 66% of people over 12 are fully vaccinated.

Young people between the ages of 5 and 11 may have this opportunity sooner rather than later.

Pfizer announced on Monday their data show that a lower dose works to elicit an immune response in this age group; efficacy testing is still ongoing for young children.

American Academy of Pediatrics President Dr. Savio Lee Beers says she’s excited about this first step; Then, the Food and Drug Administration grants an emergency use authorization.

Beers said that although children do not appear to be at the same level of risk as adults for serious infection with the virus, “the prospect of vaccinations for children is exciting.

“We’re incredibly grateful that children don’t seem to be as at risk for serious infection as older adults, but lower risk doesn’t mean no risk. And we are seeing, especially with the delta variant, that many children are getting very sick and even hospitalized, ”she said. “We also know that the licensed vaccine is safe and effective and that it is a very important tool in ensuring the safety and health of our children. “

Beers says she is the mother of teenage girls who received the COVID-19 vaccine as soon as they could, and if she had any younger children, she would want them to receive it as soon as there is the FDA clearance.

“Until our youngest children have access to a safe and effective vaccine that is licensed for their age, it’s really important to remember that one of the best ways to protect them is with everyone around. them who are old enough to be vaccinated against COVID- 19 years old, “she said.” And what it does is it helps reduce the spread of COVID in our communities in general, which helps to keep our little ones safe. “

In the meantime, the vaccine is compulsory for some employees.

By a decree issued by Governor JB Pritzker, teachers, university employees and those working in hospitals and other health facilities were to undergo a first injection before Sunday, September 19. Those who refuse must undergo frequent testing.

At an unrelated event in Peoria on Monday, Pritzker was asked if the requirement could prove problematic given the shortages of teachers and nurses.

“Of course I’m concerned about people who will refuse to get vaccinated and tested, and we don’t want to cause a shortage,” Pritzker said. “But we want to keep everyone safe. We have these alternatives available to people. But again, immunization is the safest thing people can do for themselves, for their communities, for their schools, as well as for the health workers in their health facilities. “

Pritzker Friday issued a new decree, extending the statewide mandate for masks in indoor public places until October 16.

At the same time, Pritzker pushed the deadline back by more than a month, from October 4 to November 18, when state employees at state-run assembly places like prisons and old people’s homes fighters, must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

Negotiations with the unions on the requirement are ongoing.

But Pritzker announced Monday his first deal with a union on vaccinations. A small group of 260 correctional and juvenile justice staff represented by VR-704 have until Oct. 14 to receive a first dose of vaccine, and a second before Nov. 18.

State employees who are not vaccinated pose a significant risk to people at assembly facilities in Illinois. Therefore, if the employees do not receive the vaccine or an exemption on the dates identified, progressive disciplinary measures will be implemented, which could eventually lead to dismissal, ”said a press release from the administration. “The agreement includes a process by which employees can apply for an exemption based on medical contraindications or genuine religious beliefs.”

Pritzker’s office said that in the deal with VR-704, state employees will be given an extra personal day to encourage them to get vaccinated.

Employees who are vaccinated and who receive COVID-19 or need to be quarantined may take “COVID time,” which allows them to have paid time off without using regular benefits.

Follow Amanda Vinicky on Twitter: @AmandaVinicky


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