Many New Netflix True Crime Doc ‘Night Stalker’ Viewers Believe The Series Goes Too Far – BroBible


Night Stalker viewers think Netflix docu-series are going too far

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Many viewers of Netflix’s new true crime documentary Night rogue about serial killer Richard Ramirez thinks the show goes too far with the bloodshed and exploitation of Ramirez’s many victims.

The four-part series necessarily involved a lot of graphic images based simply on the topic. Ramirez was ultimately found guilty of 13 counts of murder, five counts of attempted murder, 11 counts of sexual assault and 14 counts of burglary. Its victims ranged from young children to octogenarians. He attacked them with everything except the kitchen sink, using guns, knives, tourniquets, a machete, a tire iron, a hammer and his own hands.

Ramirez, who claimed to be a Satanist, was absolutely brutal in his attacks and was ultimately sentenced to 19 death sentences.

However, the new Netflix documentary, while fascinating (I watched it), seems to revel in showing crime scene photos of Ramirez’s victims with minimal censorship – something that many viewers say goes too far. away and shows little sympathy for the deceased. .

They are not wrong. However, that’s not terribly surprising given the nature of Ramirez’s crimes.

In an interview (below) discussing the making of the documentary series, director Tiller Russell opened up about how he tried not to glorify Richard Ramirez or his crimes.

Interestingly, one of the ways Russell says they tried not to celebrate Ramirez was by not even saying his name until the police found out his identity.

[Possible spoilers below. Perfect to watch after you’ve gotten through the entire four-part series.]


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