Mark Hamill will perform the AI ​​Chucky doll in Child & # 39; s Play horror remake



In the new movie Child & # 39; s Play, Mark Hamill will express the evil Chucky doll. We do not know yet if Chucky will also have a scary doll.

Universal Studios Photos

Actor Mark Hamill, of Star Wars, will face the dark side by expressing the Chucky demonic doll in the upcoming horror movie Child's Play, the actor tweeted on Saturday night. , add the #SoLuckyImChucky hashtag.

The original 1988 child play talks about a Buddi doll called Chucky, owned by the soul of a murderer. The doll is unleashed, torturing the boy who owns it. In the remake, the doll will be a "human companion of artificial intelligence". The news was announced during a presentation of Orion Pictures at the WonderCon in Anaheim, California.

"I look forward to bringing life to such an iconic character and presenting it as never before," Hamill said in a video featuring the news.

The film should be released on June 21st. Other members of the cast will be Aubrey Plaza, Gabriel Bateman and Brian Tyree Henry. Lars Klevberg is scheduled to lead, with Tyler Burton Smith writing the script.

The fans of Hamill and Chucky (and some who are not too fond of Chucky) have responded on Twitter. "I've never been a big fan of Chucky's movies, but with you on board, there's no way I'm missing out on this one," he wrote.

Hamill is best known for his role as Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars movie saga, his long career as a comedian in series and animation games. He played the nasty Batman the Joker, Arnim Zola in Avengers, Swamp Thing in Justice Action and Skips in Regular Show.

Friday, Hamill hinted to the ad with a tweet teasing a "super secret project" on which he works.

Of course, fans reacted accordingly with Star Wars jokes, references to Hamill's most popular dubbed role as Joker and other speculations. Writing one: "Take over from George Carlin in Bill and Ted 3? That would be nice!"

Hamill enjoys having fun with over 3 million followers on Twitter. When he does not share Star Wars Anecdotes of his legendary role as Luke Skywalker, he likes to tease the fans with advice on Star Wars 9which will be inaugurated on 19 December in the United Kingdom and 20 December in the United States and Australia.


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