Mars strikes back? Extremely bright meteor ignites wild social media jokes (VIDEOS) – RT UK News


Baffled Britons from Scotland in the north to Somerset in the south were astonished by a phenomenally bright flash in the night sky that lasted around seven seconds and ended in a loud boom, according to some reports.

The fireball was so bright it set off doorbells across the UK shortly before 10 p.m. local time from Manchester to Cardiff, Bath and Milton Keynes and everywhere else, with the UK Meteor Network receiving over 120 reports observations.

Social media has been inundated with videos claiming to show the heavenly fireworks display.

“From the two videos we saw, it was a slow meteor with clearly visible fragmentation,” The UK Meteor Network said.

According to the American Meteor Society (AMS), fireballs are generally as bright as the planet Venus (magnitude -4) when observed in the evening or in the morning while, for comparison, a full moon is magnitude -12.6 and the sun is -26.7.

“I first thought it was a shining star or plane, then it got bigger and faster, then a huge flash lit up the sky and it burst into a huge tail of trailing orange sparks. behind like a giant fireworks display! ”wrote an astonished stargazer.

Another user wondered aloud if the phenomenon was that the Martians were recovering NASA’s Perseverance rover that touched their red planet.

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