Martin Kenyon: 91-year-old Briton receives second dose of Covid-19 vaccine


Martin Kenyon told CNN on Tuesday that he had his second and final vaccine injection on December 29, as previously agreed with Guy’s Hospital in London.

The grandfather said he was in good health and still impressed with the attention he continued to receive on his vaccination, calling it “nonsense”.

Kenyon had its first vaccine on December 8, when the UK became the first country to start vaccinating its citizens with a fully controlled and licensed Covid-19 vaccine, marking a historic moment in the coronavirus pandemic.

Kenyon’s fame came just minutes after receiving her first injection, following an interview with CNN outside Guy’s Hospital, which then went viral.

He told CNN at the time, “I hope I don’t get the bloody virus now. I don’t plan on having it. [coronavirus] because I have granddaughters and I want to live long to enjoy their life. “

He added: “There is no point in dying now when I have lived this long.”

The first Britons receive the Covid-19 vaccine, a highlight of the pandemic

The UK began its rollout of the Oxford / AstraZeneca vaccine on Monday, with Brian Pinker, 82, the first to receive it.

“The vaccine means everything to me, in my opinion it’s the only way to get back to normal life,” Pinker said after receiving the vaccine.

British Health Secretary Matt Hancock called the deployment a “real pivotal moment” on Monday.

The UK recorded 58,784 new cases of the coronavirus on Monday – the largest daily increase since the start of the pandemic and the seventh day in a row that the UK has recorded more than 50,000 new cases.

The staggering numbers came when British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced a third national lockdown in England, which is expected to remain in place at least until mid-February.


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