Marvel movies ruin the film industry?


It may seem odd to accuse Marvel of ruining the film industry when Marvel, in particular, is the biggest game in the city. Their movies make money hand on hand, with Avengers: End of the game do alone what three or four "ordinary" blockbusters could do.

However, this statement says a lot about the problems of film companies. And it's not just Marvel that's a problem. The big studios rely so much on the pre-sold titles with their suites and remakes and restart that all the rest is lost in the reshuffle.

Zendaya and Tom Holland
Zendaya and Tom Holland | Fotonoticias / FilmMagic

It is said that there is only one film this year generating more than $ 100 million that is not based on pre-existing intellectual property, and this is the case of Quentin Tarantino. Once upon a time … Hollywood. But is it fair to blame the mega-budget tents when they are what keeps the activity going?

Are Marvel movies all the same?

A Reddit user started the discussion, claiming that Marvel was filming the same movie several times. The user said: "They are all incredibly methodical and basically have the same plot, but with different characters. Certainly, some of the intricacies of the plot may be different, but overall, it is the same general conflict resolution dynamic. "

In addition, the user argued that it was bad for movies in general: "Why make a quality movie with a unique plot, unique characters and a" deep "message, while you can just make a movie typical with a big budget and a few A-Listers and always bank? I can not be the only one to see the originality decrease compared to mainstream movies. "

While Marvel dominates the conversation these days, it's easy to forget that other series "do the same movie" for decades. the James Bond the films have remained faithful to a basic formula since 1962, the year of the creation of Spider-Man. So, Marvel is not the only culprit here.

The cinema goes by cycles

Another argument against Marvel movies and superheroes, in general, is that it's too much dessert and not enough steak. Superhero movies were shown once or twice a year. Now, Marvel alone produces up to three movies a year. To paraphrase another superhero movie, The Incredibles"When every movie is great, none will be."

Something similar happened in the 1960s. The musicals were dying, but a number of them turned into huge hits and won Oscars, including West Side Story, My Beautiful Lady, Mary Poppins and especially The sound of music. The sound of music was so huge that it was corrected for inflation, it was the third most successful movie of all time, far ahead End of Game at number 16. Every studio wanted a piece of it. Musicals were the superhero movies of their day.

The problem was that musicals were getting bigger but not better. One after the other has disappointed the audience: Camelot, the happiest millionaire, paint your cart and Dr. Dolittle were all expensive chess that hurt their studios. The musical trend has faded and has not come back into fashion for decades.

Steven Spielberg and George Lucas and the future of cinema

To be fair to Marvel, most critics would agree that the films were mostly good and sometimes brilliant. Avengers: End of the game It's a singular achievement: Marvel has 11 years of cinema. If a company needs to dominate the sector, it might just as well be Marvel, who has strong vision and generally performs well.

Whether people like them or not, superhero movies are here to stay in the foreseeable future. The movie studios are such gigantic global companies that they can take a hit they could not have in the late '60s. Disney can absorb a big bomb like Dark Phoenix thanks to the mint with Avengers: End of the game. But how long will it last?

Steven Spielberg and George Lucas are accused of throwing this thirst for blockbusters with: Jaws and Star wars in the mid-70s. And they saw it six years ago, according to the Hollywood Reporter.

"It's the big danger, and there's going to be an implosion – or a big collapse. There will be an implosion where three, four or perhaps even half a dozen mega-budget films will fail, which will change the paradigm, "Spielberg said.

"Spoke Lincoln and red tails – We barely had them in the theaters. You talk about Steven Spielberg and George Lucas can not get his movie in a theater, "Lucas said.

This is good for no spectator.


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