Mary Kelley Book Corner | News, Sports, Jobs


Tim Kelley cuts the ribbon for the new Mary Kelley book corner on Tuesday, September 7 at Lake Placid Elementary School, where his late wife taught at multiple levels. (News photo – Andy Flynn)

LAKE PLACID – Students at Lake Placid Elementary School walked past a new wooden bookcase in the office hallway on the first day of school, most never knowing the former teacher she commemorates.

It was Tuesday September 7th. Mary Kelley would have been 74 on that day, her birthday; she passed away peacefully at home surrounded by loved ones on February 26.

At the start of the summer vacation, several teachers embarked on a special project: raising funds to build and store a children’s library in honor of Kelley, who taught here for 37 years. She was well known and loved for reading books to children.

Kelley began teaching students at Lake Placid Elementary School in September 1969 – representing many years over the years – first as a fourth grade teacher and finally as a second grade teacher when ‘she retired in June 2006. She left a lasting impression on generations of students. and inspired some of these students to become teachers.

“I think it’s a real testament to Mary Kelley that after she retires… LPES principal Sonja Franklin said Tuesday after a groundbreaking ceremony for what’s known as the Mary Kelley Book Nook. “It really shows how much she has touched all kinds of lives across generations.”

The Mary Kelley Book Corner at Lake Placid Elementary School opened on Tuesday, September 7. (News photo – Andy Flynn)

Franklin said Kelley’s legacy was a love of learning: “I think it was an appreciation of each other and their individual uniqueness. And I think it was this idea that as a community we work together, we learn together, we grow together and we are part of that future. “

Kelley was known by many names, including “Mrs. McKelley” – a combination of her maiden and marriage names of McCarthy and Kelley – and “Kiss Kelley. “ One of his greatest passions was reading children’s books to students, even after his retirement.

“She animated them in a way all her own, and the kids were so excited when it was story time with her,” wrote the Mary Kelley Book Nook Committee. “Between playing parts of the stories and telling them with her ‘thumb-mic,’ Mary always took the time to discuss the story, relate it to real life, and teach the children new vocabulary words.

When it was someone’s birthday, Kelley was known to tell a “Magic kiss” story of a frog, coating his lips with bright red lipstick before giving the pupil a “Magic birthday kiss” on the front.

These kisses were honored by marking each book on the shelves with an illustration of red lips – at the bottom of the spine where a library number would be.

Jim McCarthy and his wife Polly, far right, Tuesday, September 7, look at a new library at Lake Placid Elementary School designed to commemorate his sister Mary Kelley, a former teacher at the school. (News photo – Andy Flynn)

The library was originally intended for the school library, but this failed.

“But that’s okay because now we can all see it everyday when we walk past us” said teacher Stacey Martin, member of the Mary Kelley Book Nook committee.

Over $ 4,000 has been raised so far, and funds in excess of the amount needed for the book project will be used for a scholarship.

“I intend to launch a Mary’s Name scholarship to be awarded to any student who embarks on the field of education that best reflects personality and attributes that Mary breathed everything she taught or known on a personal level “, Kelley’s husband Tim said in an email after the event.

The library was built by volunteers: Natalee, Jarrod, Liam and Shea Colby; and Frank and Kirsten Lawrence. The pine slabs were donated by Kevin Ackerman, a retired teacher from the Watertown School District, where Mary grew up.

A photo of Mary has been placed on the bookshelf.

“We have been together for 42 years”, Tim said, looking at the photo after cutting a green ribbon on the bookcase, “And she’s just as beautiful in this picture as she was in 1978.”

Tim was joined by family, friends, teachers and former colleagues of Mary for the 4 p.m. ceremony, which was followed by a reception outside the school.

“I think it’s wonderful,” Tim said. “It is a beautiful tribute to an exceptional teacher. She put her whole being in this school, and I know that every child she touched, she loved it. … I know that with Mary, if you got into trouble for any reason, or the class got into trouble for some reason, they all knew – individually or collectively – that Mary loved them.


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