Mask, vaccine mandates increase with delta variant


(CNN) – The pandemic is far from over. This is the latest from the World Health Organization, as the delta variant continues to spread.

In the United States, it has been reported in all states.

Some mask warrants are back in effect because of this, and vaccine warrants are also becoming more common.

“I am very worried,” said Surgeon General Vivek Murthy.

“We haven’t seen this number of cases for months,” said Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“We are literally sitting on the brink of what could be a major crisis,” said Dr. Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota.

New cases are on the increase in all but one state.

This prompted Los Angeles County to reinstate its indoor mask mandate. Experts say it makes sense, especially for the unvaccinated.

“It is not clear to what extent transmission still occurs with the vaccine with the delta variant. And so, me personally, when I go to the grocery store or to the post office, I wear a mask. I don’t dine inside because of it, ”said oncologist Dr. Zeke Emanuel.

Nationally, the vaccination rate has slowed.

Just over 56% of people 12 and older are fully vaccinated, and it could be months before there is a vaccine for children under 12, at the earliest in September.

Children under 5 will likely have to wait until the end of the year.

But for those who know how to roll up their sleeves, there are cities, businesses, and nearly 600 colleges and universities requiring vaccinations.

“There should be more mandates. There really should be. I think when you see the official approval you will see a lot more mandates, ”said Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

In the meantime, the White House is battling misinformation and myths about vaccines.

“We are talking about a life and death situation,” Fauci said.

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