Mass. updates breakthrough infections data, adding 2,232 cases, 50 hospitalizations and 6 deaths


As of August 7, 106 people in Massachusetts who had been fully vaccinated against the coronavirus had died of the disease, the Department of Public Health said on Tuesday.

The department said deaths accounted for 0.002% of the 4,321,931 people fully vaccinated as of that date.

The department also said there were 9,969 cases among the group, or 0.23% of the total, and 445 hospitalizations, or 0.01%.

Figures on breakthrough infections were first published in the state’s Daily Vaccine Report. Updates are expected every Tuesday.

Tuesday’s figures updated by one-week figures the state released on Monday, which reflected data through July 31. The new data showed an increase of 2,232 cases, 50 hospitalizations and 6 deaths among those fully vaccinated.

DPH officials said on Monday that 73% of people who died on July 31 had underlying conditions and the median age of those who died was 82.5 years old. This information was not included for the updated data released on Tuesday.

DPH said in a statement Monday that breakthrough infections were “incredibly low” and hospitalizations and deaths were “even lower.”

Martin Finucane can be reached at [email protected].


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