Massachusetts Department of Public Health issues updated face covering advisory


BostonToday, the Department of Public Health (DPH) released updated guidelines for the use of face coverings and fabric masks by people fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

This week, the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released updated guidelines that continue to indicate that fully vaccinated people can generally resume many of the activities they did before the pandemic without wearing a mask or staying within 6 feet of each other, unless otherwise required by federal, state or local laws, rules or regulations. In response to the recent spread of the Delta variant, however, updated CDC guidelines recommend that even fully vaccinated people wear masks or face covers indoors if other risk factors are present.

In light of information provided by the CDC, and in order to maximize the protection of vulnerable people from the Delta variant, the Department of Public Health today released updated guidelines that recommend that a fully vaccinated person wear a mask or face covering indoors (and not in your own home) if you have a weakened immune system, or if you are at increased risk of serious illness due to your age or an underlying medical condition , or if someone in your household has a weakened immune system, is at increased risk for serious illness, or is an unvaccinated adult.

All people in Massachusetts (regardless of their immunization status) are required to continue to wear face coverings in certain settings, including transportation and healthcare facilities. Please watch for a complete list of places where face coverings remain mandatory as of May 29, 2021.

See the fcomplete DPH guidance.



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