Massachusetts man tells two hikers he has Covid-19, then spits them out so they don’t wear masks, police say


The man told the hikers it was the “law” to wear masks, saying they were selfish and “completely irresponsible” before spitting on them.

The incident took place at the Hudson Overlook on the Midstate Trail in Ashburnham, police said. Hikers can see the Boston skyline from this open area off the main trail.

The Ashburnham Police Department provided CNN with a one-minute video of the incident. CNN is not showing the video at this time.

Police did not provide the identities of the women who took the video. CNN cannot confirm what happened before the video started.

Police said an older man and woman approached the two women.

In the video, the man can be heard asking “Aren’t you wearing a mask?” when one of the women interrupts him.

“I don’t care, I won’t be wearing a mask when I’m outside.”

“It’s not the law, it’s not the law,” the man replies, as the camera pans the ground to show the man walking away.

Moments later, he turns around and says, “Selfish is what it is, completely irresponsible.”

“OK, thank you very much for your contribution,” the woman replies.

The man continues to walk away, but lowers his mask, turns around and begins to walk towards the women. The woman accompanying him tries to grab his arm and stop him but he walks over to the other hikers.

“OK, I have Covid,” he said, spitting twice at the women who were a few steps away. “I have Covid, I tested positive,” he adds, spitting on the women again.

“It’s okay?” one of the women asks.

“No, you won’t be soon,” he replies, spitting at them once more.

“Stop that!” the man’s hiking companion told her, laughing and walking back to her.

He laughs and adds “It’s arrogant, completely arrogant”, as he walks away.

The man could face a misdemeanor charge and a fake biological agent threat charge, which is a felony, the facts show, Lt. Chris Conrad Ashburnham told CNN.

Face masks or cloth coverings are required in all public places in Massachusetts, indoors and outdoors, even if people are able to maintain a social distance of six feet, according to a revised order from the November 6 from Governor Charlie Baker.

CNN’s Amir Vera contributed to this report.


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