Massachusetts National Guard to deploy to Springfield’s Eastfield Mall vaccination site after seniors wait in the cold for appointments


After a series of safety concerns emerged at the only super vaccination site in western Massachusetts, Springfield Mayor Domenic J. Sarno announced a series of changes to the site.

“Speaking with Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito and Healing Site Director Dean Shultis on several occasions yesterday and this morning about better and faster customer service logistics for our seniors in Springfield and Western Mass.” Sarno said in a statement. “I have been assured that these changes / adjustments will be made as soon as possible.”

Starting immediately, Sarno said the vaccination site at the Eastfield Shopping Center will receive additional staff to help control social distancing outside, with the National Guard also being deployed to help with the operation.

Panel notifications will be installed so people can wait in their vehicles without having to stand outside.

More importantly, for many of their family members over the age of 75, the elderly will be allowed to wait inside the mall for dates.

On Monday, MassLive reported the often long wait times for older residents. Some were left standing in the cold for over two hours. With snow falling and temperatures reaching 25 degrees on Tuesday, the lines are still present outside the mall.

Although the Eastfield Mall is within the city limits of Springfield, the vaccination site is state-supervised and operated by a private company, Curative. This is one of many Massachusetts super-vaccination sites across the state, the only large-scale site west of Worcester.

Eastfield Mall

At Springfield’s Eastfield Mall, hundreds of people wait outside in the cold. The temperature is 22 degrees and some over 80s have been waiting for over 30 minutes (Douglas Hook / MassLive)

MassLive contacted Curative on Monday about the mall’s concerns. A spokesperson relayed from the site they were working on was to greet those who have passed through the doors but are not responsible for those who are outside.

Vaccine distribution began in the United States on December 14. Currently, more than 59 million doses have been administered, reaching 18% of the total United States population, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The United States currently administers about 1.4 million vaccines per day.

In Massachusetts, just over a million doses were given to those in Phase 1, ranking 38th in percentage of population and 46th in percentage of doses given, according to CDC data.

Sarno said operators of Eastfield Mall, Curative will be subject to a review of its systems approach to contacting and informing seniors about their dates.

“We must always be aware of the needs of our seniors, especially in these difficult and surreal times of overcoming the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic,” Sarno added.

Related content:

  • A US Navy veteran and his wife among hundreds who waited cold for the COVID vaccine at Eastfield Mall in Springfield
  • Eastfield Mall vaccination process requires more order and better planning (letters)


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