Mature, curved and with some nice bars


It's hard to know what your house looks like if you do not leave it or if you can not leave it.

Take the milky way, for example. Astronomers believe that it's a barred spiral galaxy, a little similar to this one, called NGC 7773, located about 392 million light-years away. They can not be certain, mainly because no human-made imaging ship has yet escaped the galaxy, turned around and taken a picture.

This image of NGC 7773, taken by NASA / ESA's Hubble Space Telescope Wide Area Camera 3 (WFC3), reveals the existence of a series of light bars, which appear here in orange-brown.

Astronomers believe that bars develop as galaxies ripen and star-forming materials are slowly attracted to the center of the system.

The Milky Way is a fairly old spiral, like galaxies, so it's safe to assume that it also contains bars. It could however take a very long time before the photographic material exists to prove the statement.


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