Mayor Bill de Blasio's decree on mandatory measles vaccination faces legal challenges


In an unusual and extreme way, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio declared a state of emergency on a measles epidemic in the Orthodox Jewish community and demanded forced vaccination of all people in the four codes. postal areas affected. Offenders are subject to fines of up to $ 1,000. This includes six-month-old babies, even if MMR is not recommended for less than 12 months.

The Children's Health Advocacy will take legal action against this order, which follows a New York Supreme Court decision that overturned Rockland County's ban banning unvaccinated children in open spaces. public.

Children's Health Defense (CHD) is in favor of a legal challenge to this excessive, dangerous and unprecedented reach. Although the City has the undeniable power to control outbreaks, it can not violate the fundamental principle of free, prior and informed consent to all medical interventions, including vaccines. It is a fundamental human right. The City can quarantine, isolate, locate contacts and lobby for vaccination, but it can not impose such a draconian mandate without demonstrating necessity, reasonableness, proportionality, avoidance of harm, non-discrimination , due process and equal protection. The commissioner failed to do that. the acts of the city violate the law of the State of New York.

Mary Holland, CHD board member, said, "I am shocked that the Mayor of Blasio is using such policing techniques to control a measles outbreak, and I do not believe the City's actions will stand up to legal scrutiny. . " CHD President Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is confident that their legal recourse will prevail.

This case goes beyond the debate on freedom of religion. Thanks to
Federal Merck Whistleblower, we now know that Merck's MMR should never have been approved, let alone mandatory. To obtain its license, Merck reportedly ordered its scientists to falsify the efficacy data to fraudulently conceal the fact that the mumps component was rapidly ameliorating, triggering dangerous epidemics in older populations where it could cause sterility in men and women. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported
150 outbreaks resulted in 9,200 mumps cases in fully vaccinated adults, mitigating recently observed measles outbreaks. We are convinced that no US court will allow government officials to compel US citizens to take risky pharmaceutical products against their will.

Merck is currently defending against falsification of data by two former employees.

The medical company Merck & Co. will be resolutely confronted with the music in the ongoing class action lawsuit and the related antitrust lawsuit involving its mumps vaccine – a product that has been routinely administered to babies and children for generations. The case, which involves allegations of false compliance with the FDA's vaccine standards, has given rise to legal action under the False Claims Act: United States v. Canada (no. Merck & Co. This case was introduced by two virologists who previously worked for Merck. She alleges a long-standing systematic commitment. by the company to lie about the effectiveness of mumps vaccination, thus resulting in liability liability under the federal law on misrepresentation.

Governor Cuomo has expressed concern about the legality of Blasio 's emergency order to forcibly vaccinate conscientious objectors. "Look, this is a serious public health problem, but it is also a serious issue related to the First Amendment and a constitutional and legal issue," said Cuomo in a WAMC radio interview. "Do we have the right – do the society, the government have the right to say" you have to vaccinate your child, because I fear that your child will come to infect my child, even if you do not want it and even if you do not want to he violates your religious beliefs? "

Some have asked how de Blasio plans to determine who is or is not vaccinated to fulfill his order. According to the mayor, they will use "disease detectives". "This is what a police detective does, and if someone has symptoms, they will literally question them to find out where they are, with all who they may have been in contact with, and then go to meet all these people. " network to ensure that people are vaccinated. "It is not known whether" to ensure that people are vaccinated "means" to hold them back and inject them against their will ".


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