Measles outbreak: the CDC indicates that you might need a booster injection – History


PHOENIX (FOX 10) – According to a new CDC report, if you receive the MMR vaccine between 1963 and 1989, you may need to be revaccinated.

During this period, many adults received only one dose and should consider taking a second.

"If they have been abroad, if they have been in contact with some of the communities affected by an epidemic, they should actually be concerned about measles," said Dr. Mandeep Rai.

Dr. Rai says that sometimes the symptoms may be delayed, so be sure to know what is normal and what seems unusual.

"As a rule, measles presents itself with a cough, a cold, a little eye drainage and the rash may take a few days to come," said Dr. Rai.

Last week, the Arizona Department of Health Services released a report warning that a higher rate of vaccine exemptions put the state at risk of bursting an illness infectious as measles.

"Most of us have never seen measles cases, so it's not the first thing we think about, but yes, we all have to think more about it," he said. Dr. Rai.


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