Medicinal pot could help seniors, study finds


Thursday, February 28, 2019 (HealthDay News) – A new study suggests that your grandparents' chronic pain may be better.

The researchers found that not only people over the age of 75 who used marijuana for medical purposes reported less pain, their use of pot-based capsules, tinctures, and electronic cigarettes patients reduce their consumption of opioid analgesics.

"Marijuana for medical purposes, in my opinion, is an excellent choice for patients with chronic conditions, including chronic pain," said Dr. Laszlo Mechtler, Senior Research Scientist, Medical Director of the Dent Neurologic Institute. Amherst, NY

The study tracked 204 elderly patients who had been prescribed marijuana for medical purposes to relieve pain as part of the New York State's medical marijuana program. said Mechtler.

All have received products containing various ratios of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD), most commonly dyes applied with a dropper under the tongue, said Mechtler.

THC is the chemical of marijuana that causes intoxication, while CBD has been associated with a number of potentially positive medical benefits.

About 7 out of 10 patients experienced symptom relief, researchers found.

Half reported that their chronic pain had decreased, 18% said that they slept better, nerve pain improved by 15% and anxiety was calmed by 10%.

"A majority of patients came back and said:" I'm getting better, "said Mechtler. "Efficacy rates were quite high and most patients felt that their quality of life had improved."

Chronic pain was diagnosed in three-quarters of those treated, said Mechtler. Other conditions included cancer (6%), neuropathy (5%), multiple sclerosis (5%), epilepsy (3%) and Parkinson's disease (2%).

There were disadvantages. Initially, 34% of patients had medical marijuana-related side effects, mostly drowsiness (13%), balance problems (7%), and gastrointestinal problems (7%). %).

After dose adjustment, only 21% continued to have side effects. In the end, 3% of participants stopped taking marijuana for medical purposes because of side effects.

A 1: 1 ratio of THC on CBD has proven to be more effective while limiting side effects, said Mechtler.


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