Meghan Markle and Prince Harry face backlash for Remembrance Day cemetery visit


Piers Morgan has slammed Meghan Markle and Prince Harry after taking photos on Remembrance Day at Los Angeles National Cemetery.

Meghan Markle and Prince harry are criticized for taking photos while paying tribute to Commonwealth soldiers on Remembrance Day.

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According to Insider, the couple faced a reaction from Piers Morgan after publicly sharing a private visit to Los Angeles National Cemetery. the Good Morning Britain The host called the event an “unpleasant publicity stunt” during an on-air rant. He claimed it was up to Prince Harry to respond to the palace after being denied a wreath-laying request on his behalf during the British Royal Family’s official remembrance service on Sunday.

meghan markle prince harry remembrance day
(Credit: Lee Morgan)

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex faced similar comments from Richard Palmer, the royal correspondent of the Daily express in London. He wrote on Twitter: “The rift between the palace and Harry and Meghan is likely to widen again. Why the need to take a PR photographer and publicize your “private” remembrance act? “

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Still, the couple’s supporters have defended the photos and used their own social media platforms to justify the act. Dionne Grant tweeted “If they hadn’t posted pictures of them marking Remembrance Day, the media would have made a big deal out of it.” Now, is this a publicity stunt? Just say you hate Meghan and go.

According to PEOPLE, Prince Harry was upset that his request had been turned down. The outlet reported that a wreath was ready and waiting and put it aside, but palace officials decided that his crown would not be added to those of other royals because he and his wife are no longer active members of the institution.

He “understands that he no longer has the same formal role in the family as before,” said a source. PEOPLE. “But he was saddened and disappointed with the decision.”

Photos from the private Remembrance Service ceremony were uploaded to Instagram on the Royal Family’s official account.

Since their relationship became public, Meghan and Harry have faced unfair criticism and coverage from tabloids and fans of the Royal Family. theGrio reported in October that the former actress spoke about the brunt of the bullying she had suffered from the internet and various media. As a guest on the Therapy for adolescents podcast, she shared how the comments impacted her mental health.

“I’m told that in 2019 I was the most trolled person in the world – male or female,” she said.

“Even though our experience is unique to us and can obviously seem very different from what people may have on a daily basis, it is still a human experience – and it is universal,” she said, adding: “We all know what it feels like to be hurt, we all know what it is to be isolated or thirsty.

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