Meghan Markle offered her guests a shower at her very expensive gift


This baby shower keeps getting more and more …

If you can not spoil your closest and dearest friends when you are a royalty, then when will you be able to, right?

Meghan Markle certainly did it for her baby shower in New York last week.

The evening, hosted by her friend Serena Williams, was a lavish occasion in which Meghan was filled with gifts.

Guests, including designer Misha Nonoo and lawyer Amal Clooney, were seen arriving with bags of presses for the mother-to-be.

It has been announced that Meghan shared this love by offering her guests a beautiful, bespoke gift.

The Duchess is believed to have offered her friends navy cashmere sweaters with the words "baby, baby, baby" sewn with gold thread.

The riders are from the upscale and ecological brand, Lingua Franca.

The brand shared the photo of one of the jumpers on Instagram yesterday with the caption "You ask us what baby shower we sent dozens" and tagged The Mark Hotel, where the party took place.

This confirmed to People Magazine that the sweaters were designed specifically for Meghan and her guests.

Similar jumps from Lingua Franca cost more than 600 €.


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