Meteor illuminates night sky across Big Bend, South Georgia


By: Charles Roop | WCTV Pinpoint Weather
March 31, 2019

With the kind permission of Deb / Valdosta, Ga.

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WCTV) – Residents of the southeast – not just Big Bend and South Georgia – reported seeing a bright flash between 23:50 and 23:55 on Saturday night, likely caused by a meteor.

A meteor is defined as a meteoroid coming "close enough to the Earth and entering the atmosphere of the Earth", vaporizing after it enters.

The Forecast Office of the National Weather Service in Tallahassee confirmed the meteor on the basis of the GOES 16 Lightning Mapper. In the animated GIF, a brief flash appears in the east of Big Bend, north of Taylor County. Another forecast office looked more closely at their screens.

The event follows another fireball report, which was spotted by a Gadsden County company on March 22.

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