Meteor seen in all the south-east ::


– A meteor was seen in some parts of the southeast on Thursday morning.

The meteor crossed the sky at around 6:50 am in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida.

People could see it if the clouds did not bother, said meteorologist Kat Campbell.

A meteor is a space debris that enters the atmosphere of the Earth.

"You see that he's flaming because of the pressure difference he's undergoing," Campbell said.

Campbell said Thursday's meteor seemed to have a slower trajectory than most meteors.

The American Meteor Society said that the activity of meteors was increasing in April with the activation of the Lyrid meteor shower.

The shower peaks in late April.

"Technically, we have no meteorite rain in the area, but you can let a small shower pass at any time," said meteorologist Elizabeth Gardner.

Do not expect to find parts of the meteor on the ground, says NASA on its website. Because most meteors come from comets, which are fragile, pieces of them do not often reach Earth's ground. When they do, it is difficult to distinguish them from normal rocks.

People may report seeing the meteor on the American Meteor Society website.


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