Methane increase: a new climate challenge


In 2007, the amount of methane in the atmosphere (CH4) began to increase after a seven-year period of almost zero growth (1). Recent research shows that a second change took place in 2014 (2). From 2014 to at least the end of 2018, the amount of CH4 in the atmosphere has almost doubled compared to the rate observed since 2007 (see figure). Because ch4 is a potent greenhouse gas and a rise in the atmospheric CH4 represents a major challenge to the achievement of the goals set out in the Paris Agreement, an international consensus to limit the increase in temperature to 2 ° C or, if possible, to 1.5 ° C above pre-industrial levels .

Trends in methane

Data from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's observation stations show that4 started to increase in 2007, with a sharper increase from 2014 (2).


Causes of the recent rise in atmospheric CH4 remains a topic of scientific debate, even for the initial period of increase from 2007 to 2014 (18). CH estimates based on processes4 emissions from inventory data, wetland models and other information offer contradictory explanations, but measurements of the CH distribution4 in the atmosphere and its 13C /12The isotopic ratio of C on a global network of stations is a clue.

Although CH4 has increased worldwide, this growth has been greatest in the mid-latitudes and tropics of the northern hemisphere (2, 3). In addition, the proportion of 13C in atmospheric CH4 has declined as atmospheric CH4 has increased (see figure) (1, 2). the 13C /12Ratio C in CH4 depends on the sources of the CH4 shows. Discharges from biogenic sources (such as wetlands and agriculture) reduce the proportion of 13C in atmospheric CH4, while fossil-based emissions slightly increase this proportion and that biomass-related emissions increase sharply (1, 2). Based on selected CH4 and 13C /12C time series from four latitudinal bands, an atmospheric multibox model and a budget analysis being run, Nisbet et al. (2) identified three potential pathways compatible with both4 and isotopic data: increase in biogenic emissions, decrease in the amount of CH4 destroyed in the atmosphere by CH4 oxidation and an increase in fossil fuel emissions if offset by a decrease in biomass combustion.

Recent studies have identified source and sink processes that may account for some of the rise, but no single process can simultaneously explain the sudden onset of the rise and the stability of this increase, while remaining consistent with other data. available. The most likely scenario is a combination of processes.

Biogenic emissions come mainly from wetlands and agriculture, particularly ruminant livestock. Multimodal studies on wetlands do not confirm an increase in emissions since 2007 (3, 9). However, livestock inventories show that ruminant emissions began to increase sharply around 2002 and can account for about half of chlorine production.4 increase since 2007 (4).

CH4 is destroyed in the atmosphere by reaction with hydroxyl radicals (OH) and other constituents of the atmosphere. Reduced chemical destruction of CH4 could both increase the atmospheric CH4 and decrease its proportion of 13C. The actual changes in OH in recent years are controversial (5, 6), as well as the role of sinks in global inversion studies (7, 8). Only extreme changes in all main sinks can cause observed CH4 and still do not explain the observed variability in the short term (2), limiting the contribution that sinks are likely to make.

The increase in fossil emissions could explain the change, but a simultaneous reduction in 13C-rich emissions from biomass combustion are needed to balance the 13C /12C trends. The reconstructions of fires using satellite observations corroborate this decline, with a reduction in emissions by 2006 (ten). The resultant 13C /12Balance C limits fossil fuels to half of the total additional emissions since 2007. Coal mining in East Asia is universally recognized for its contribution to CH4 increase (2, 7, 8), while the fossil CH4 North American emissions remained stable despite a nearly 50% increase in natural gas production (11).

Coinciding with the 2014 acceleration, Nisbet et al. find a source shift towards the southern tropics, where wetlands are concentrated (2). They hypothesize that record temperatures in 2014 and subsequent years have driven wetland CHs upwards4 production. Such a return to the climate of wetlands calls into question the generally accepted view that wetlands, and not temperature, constitute the main control of wetland wetlands.4 emissions (although some CH4 the models are more focused on temperature) (ten). If natural wetlands or changes in atmospheric chemistry have actually accelerated the4 rising, it may be a climate feedback that humans have little hope of slowing down. Although studies have shown the significant production potential of CH4climate feedbacks, they should occur gradually, not reaching the magnitude observed by Nisbet et al. for decades (12).

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Agriculture would be responsible for more than half of all human-induced CH emissions4 emissions and could have contributed to the rise in CH emissions4 since 2007.


As the scientific community continues to debate the causes of CH4 outbreak, the consequences are clear. The latest emissions scenarios from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that limit warming to 1.5 ° C assume that the amount of CH4 in the atmosphere will decrease by 35% between 2010 and 2050 (13). However, between 2007 and 2014, the amount has increased on average by 5.7 parts per billion (ppb) per year and 9.7 ppb on average per year since 2014. If this increase continues unabated, the reductions of dioxide Carbon and other gases will have to be even steeper to achieve the Paris goal.

Measurements of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere remain the fastest way to assess progress towards a slowdown in climate change. More atmospheric observations are essential to understand the sources of the rise of the CH4especially in the tropics, which seem to be driving this change. Atmospheric models informed by CH4 Data will incorrectly attribute emission changes to regions that are weakly constrained by data, such as equatorial regions (3).

With satellite observations and time series of additional tracers (14), a global network of global measures will be crucial to understand the changes in the CH4. Ascension Island in the South Atlantic is currently the only tropical site where4, his 13C /12Ratio C and CH column4 essential measures for validation of satellite observations. Still, this site is about to be interrupted. Ongoing support for sites of vital importance such as the Ascension Island and the creation of similar sites in other tropical regions will be essential for cultural heritage studies.4 tendencies.

Close integration between atmospheric observations, process-oriented studies and policies is urgently needed to provide useful answers on the actual emission reductions needed to achieve the Paris Agreement's objectives in the area of ​​climate change. fight against climate change. The World Meteorological Organization has put in place the Global Integrated Greenhouse Gas Information System (IGG).3IS) to solve this problem. IG3The SI provides a bridge between the atmospheric greenhouse gas community and policy makers. Timely dialogue between these groups has never been so essential as the window to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement is closing rapidly.

Thanks: This work was funded by the New Zealand Ministry of Enterprise, Innovation and Employment under contract C01X1817 and NIWA through the Science Program on Greenhouse Gases. emissions and the carbon cycle. S.M.F. sits on the Scientific Steering Committee of the IG3IS. We thank E. Dlugokencky (NOAA) for the CH after 20174 data and S. Michel and B. Vaughn (CU / INSTAAR) for post-2017 isotope data.


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