Metro Health issues recommendations against indoor meals and gatherings


SAINT ANTHONY – Dr Junda Woo, the Bexar County health authority, released a new health directive on Monday, recommending people not to dine in establishments or to gather indoors with people they do not not live to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

San Antonio Mayor Ron Nirenberg and Bexar County Judge Nelson Wolff on Monday reported 1,117 new cases on Monday.

City officials also reported that 587 patients are hospitalized, 182 are in the intensive care unit and 99 are on ventilators.

Woo said the number of cases is expected to continue to rise until the end of the year and called November a “critical month.”

“As the cold approaches and following the Thanksgiving gatherings, we expect the number of our cases to increase until the end of the year,” Woo said. “It’s a critical month. We ask people to be more selective about how they eat and how they come together with others until we are on the other side of this wave. When you have to be with other people, try to bring in fresh air by opening a window or increasing the ventilation. Pack up, hide, and stay safe. “

See Metro Health’s advice in the guideline below or click here.

For more information on COVID-19 and vacation recommendations, visit: To see other public service announcements on social distancing, prevention and county testing, click here.

Coronavirus Update San Antonio, November 30: Executives Report 1,117 New COVID-19 Cases; positivity rate up to 9.2%

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