Tag Archives: foods

Nutritious foods to lose weight

[ad_1] According to the World Health Organization (WHO), overweight and obesity are defined as an abnormal or excessive accumulation of fat that poses a health risk. Overweight and obesity are diseases of …

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Study: foods rich in omega 3 lengthen life

[ad_1] Based on 16 years of research on more than 240,000 men and 180,000 women, regular consumption of fish reduces the risk of death from cancer and acute respiratory illness. [19659003L'étudeaétémenéepardesscientifiqueschinoisetaméricainsetpubliéerécemmentdansleJournalofInternalMedicineLàleschercheursexpliquentquelecontextedel'enquêteavaitàvoiraveclesdirectivesalimentairesdominantesrecommandentlaconsommationrégulièredepoissoncependantlesassociationsdecetalimentetdesacidesgraspolyinsaturésàlonguechaîneoméga-3(PUFALCn-3)[19659003] The …

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