Michigan Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer says she will veto the bill banning abortion


MDemocrat Gretchen Whitmer, governor of Ichigan, said she would veto a law passed by the Republican State Senate that would ban a common abortion procedure.

The Senate and the House of States on Tuesday morning passed a law banning evacuation and abortion procedures, known as "abortion by dismemberment" by anti-abortion groups. The procedures represent the majority of second trimester abortions.

Whitmer said Tuesday afternoon that she would veto the bills. "I think these are decisions that should be made between a woman and her doctor," said Whitmer. "I have always supported a woman's autonomy and the freedom to make her own choices, and this should not surprise anyone in this city."

Anti-abortion activists, however, hope to bypass Whitmer to enact this provision.

The Michigan constitution allows citizens to initiate legislation by petition. If they respect the number of signatures required, the legislature can then pass the bill without the governor's signature.

Michigan's right to life has successfully used petitions in the past, including legislation requiring parental consent for minors seeking abortion and prohibiting partial birth abortions. "If Governor Whitmer responds to his threat, we plan to collect 400,000 signatures to get around it and end late-stage abortions in Michigan," said Right-to-Life spokesperson Chris Gast.

Several states controlled by Republicans have passed bills strictly regulating abortion in recent months. Some of the measures could call into question Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion at the national level.


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