Scientists create new genomic resource to improve tomatoes | NSF



Scientists create new genomic resource to improve tomatoes

Help develop more tasty and sustainable tomato varieties

researchers standing with a tomato plant

Scientists Zhangjun Fei and James Giovannoni with tomatoes in a greenhouse.

May 14, 2019

Tomato breeders have traditionally focused on improving production, such as bigger fruits and more fruits per plant, so some characters improving other qualities, such as resistance to taste and diseases, have been lost.

NSF-funded researchers at the Boyce Thompson Institute (Ithaca, New York) and partner institutions have created a pan-genome that captures all genetic information on 725 wild and closely related wild tomatoes, a resource that promises to thrive. 39 to help breeders develop. tastier and longer varieties.

As reported in Genetic nature, biologists discovered 4,873 new genes and identified a rare version of a gene that can make tomatoes tastier.

"Breeders can explore the pan-genome for genes of interest, and possibly select them for breeding to improve their tomatoes," said BTI geneticist Zhangjun Fei.

Tomatoes are one of the most consumed vegetables in the world – although technically we eat their fruit – with 182 million tonnes of tomatoes worth more than $ 60 billion produced each year. In the United States, tomatoes are the second most consumed vegetable, with Americans eating an average of 20.3 pounds of fresh tomatoes and 73.3 pounds of processed tomatoes per year.

The pan-genome of tomato could benefit both the economy and consumers, according to Clifford Weil, director of NSF's Plant Genome Research Program.

"How many times do you hear someone say that the store's tomatoes are just not up to the old varieties?" Weil asked. "This study explains why this could be the case and shows that the tomatoes in the best taste seem to be on the way back."

The network of European research areas for the coordination of actions in plant sciences collaborated to finance research.

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