Michigan DNR announces Michigan pumping subsidy program


The Michigan Department of Natural Resources encourages Michigan public and private marinas to apply for the Michigan Pump-Out Grant Program.

The grants program, which is administered by the Michigan DNR and the Michigan Sea Grant, helps reduce pollution from wastewater discharges from ships by encouraging the safe disposal of wastewater from boaters.

MNR reports that approximately $ 200,000 is available each year, but individual grant amounts will vary depending on the scope of the project. They say applicants will use the funding to build new pumping and emptying stations or to upgrade existing facilities.

According to MNR, the requested funds should be available for projects starting in the spring of 2022. They say marinas can use the grants to fund up to 75% of eligible project costs, with the marina providing the rest.

MNR states that no more than $ 5 can be charged to the public for the use of these grant-funded facilities.

If you want to apply for the grant program, Click here.


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