Microsoft partners with Sony … on games ?!


In a surprise announcement, Microsoft announced today its partnership with its rival Sony video game streaming.

"Sony and Microsoft will explore the joint development of future cloud solutions in Microsoft Azure to support their respective content delivery and content delivery services," Microsoft's release said. "In addition, both companies will explore the use of current solutions based on the Microsoft Azure Data Center for Sony's streaming and streaming services. By working together, companies are looking to bring more enhanced entertainment experiences to their customers around the world. These efforts will also include the creation of better development platforms for the content creator community. "

My my. What an interesting turn of events. Sony, the current leader in the video game market, does not have the global cloud computing infrastructure that will be needed to drive the next generation of cloud-based streaming services. But Microsoft, which also manages video games today, has this infrastructure. I had always thought that the computer giant would associate with smaller players, perhaps Nintendo, as well as with individual game publishers.

Less interesting, Sony and Microsoft will also associate on the AI.

"By integrating Sony's state-of-the-art image sensors with hybrid Azure AI technology in the cloud and on the edge, as well as solutions that leverage semiconductor and Microsoft technologies." in cloud from Sony, companies are looking to provide enhanced features to businesses, "announced the announcement continues. "With regard to artificial intelligence, parties will explore the integration of the advanced artificial intelligence platform and Microsoft's tools into Sony's consumer products, in order to provide highly intuitive AI experiences and friendly. "

"Our mission is to evolve PlayStation as a platform that continues to deliver the best immersive entertainment experiences, with a cloud environment that delivers the best experience anytime, anywhere," said Kenichiro Yoshida, President from Sony. "Microsoft has been a key business partner for us for many years, although the two companies have also competed in some areas. I think that the joint development of future cloud solutions will greatly contribute to the advancement of interactive content. In addition, I hope that in the areas of semiconductors and artificial intelligence, leveraging each company's advanced technology in a mutually complementary way will create a new value for society. "

"Sony has always been a leader in the entertainment and technology fields, and the collaboration we announced today is grounded in this story of innovation," said Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft. . "Our partnership brings the power of Azure and Azure AI to Sony to deliver new gaming and entertainment experiences to its customers."

I need time to digest that. But that's great news.

Tagged Playstation, Sony, Xbox


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