Microsoft to change productivity scoring tool after spying on reviews


In response to the backlash, Microsoft says it will remove usernames from the productivity score. Instead, the “communication, meeting, content collaboration, teamwork, and mobility metrics in Productivity Score will only aggregate data at the organization level,” wrote the vice president of Microsoft 365 company, Jared Spataro, in a blog post. As such, no one in an organization “will be able to use the Productivity Score to access data on how an individual user uses apps and services in Microsoft 365.”

Three of the other factors monitored by the Productivity Score – Microsoft 365 app health, network connectivity, and endpoint analysis – were not related to usernames in any way. Instead, according to Spataro, these scores used “device-level identifiers” to help IT departments identify and resolve various issues with proactive technical support.

Spataro noted that the tool was not designed to assess individual user productivity – it was meant to focus on technology adoption within an organization. Microsoft plans to clarify this in the user interface and “improve our in-product privacy disclosures to make sure IT administrators know exactly what we’re doing and not tracking.”


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