A year ago, Microsoft launched its Windows 10 Timeline feature, allowing users to sync browsing history and applications between Windows 10, iOS, and Android devices. Unfortunately, it was limited to Microsoft's Edge browser on the browsing history side, but Microsoft has now released its own official Chrome extension for Windows Timeline. Nicknamed Web Activities, the extension will sync and display your Chrome browsing history on Windows 10 devices so you can use the built-in timeline viewer.
This means that a copy of your browsing history will be sent to Microsoft servers, which will raise any privacy issues. Google has its own way of synchronizing the browsing history between Chrome sessions, including the ability to view tabs on other devices. The Microsoft Chrome extension simplifies this by building it directly into the Windows 10 Task View feature, which can be accessed from the taskbar or by using winkey + tab.
Microsoft has not yet released a Firefox version of this Timeline extension, although unofficial extensions for Chrome and Firefox have been available for more than six months. You can download the new Microsoft Chrome Timeline extension from the Chrome Web Store.
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