Millennials giving themselves zinc deficiencies by avoiding traditional diets


A new study revealed that Millennials may be suffering from zinc deficiencies because they have abandoned traditional diets.

Less than a quarter of young people have zinc staples in their closets, and 70% of them say social media has influenced their diet.

Things like hulls, herrings and livers are out of date – all of which are rich in minerals.

Research in the UK found that 90% of middle-aged participants would choose zinc-rich foods because their parents served them.

Robert Pickard, professor of neurobiology at Cardiff University, commented on the importance of zinc in the millennial diet: "Our diet has changed dramatically over the years and foods such as liver, cockles and herrings have disappeared, we have also lost some of our main sources of zinc. "

"Zinc plays an important role in the body, contributing to cell growth and contributing to the maintenance of the immune system and the health of skin, hair and nails.

"We do not need to resurrect some of the old classics, but to help us increase our zinc levels because lean red meat is one of the best sources of zinc." food. "

Our immune system needs zinc to work properly.

The mineral helps with wound healing, carbohydrate breakdown and cell growth. It is also believed to contribute to fertility, protection against inflammatory diseases and the maintenance of good eye health.

And you actually only need a little bit to take advantage of it.

If you do not have enough, you run the risk of serious problems like diabetes, cancer, liver disease and a difficult pregnancy.

Although the meat advisory committee, which commissioned this study, says that red meat is the best way to get zinc in our diet, you can get the mineral from a wide range of foods.

The richest zinc foods are by far oysters, followed by beef, then baked beans.

Wild rice, green peas, yogurt, pecans and peanuts are also included.

So, in fact, if you do not eat meat, you can still get enough of zinc – just think a bit more about what you eat.


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