Ministry of Health press releases


Hawaii Department of Health presents second red sign to Doner Shack for failure to pay $ 3,000 fine and license renewal fee

Posted on Sep 15, 2021 in COVID-19[female[feminine, Writing

HONOLULU – The Food Safety Branch of the Hawaii Department of Health (DOH) has issued a cease and desist order and a red “closed” sign at Doner Shack at 79 South Pauahi Street in Honolulu for failing to renew his state license and pay a $ 3,000 judgment, in a contested court case, against establishment owner Donald Moriarity in June 2021.

The food establishment license for Doner Shack expired on September 10, 2021. Hawaii’s Business Rules, Title 11, Chapter 50, Food Safety Code, require food establishments to pay any unpaid fines to the DOH or not renew their food establishment license.

On January 20, 2021, the DOH Food Safety Branch received a complaint alleging that Doner Shack employees were not wearing masks. A health inspector observed repeated violations and a red “closed” sign was issued on January 25 to protect public health. After a health inspector posted the red plaque in the facility, the owner removed the plaque and refused to close. This placed him in violation of Hawaii Administrative Rules 11-50, Food Safety Code, which in part states that a sign must be displayed and cannot be removed, or fines of up to $ 1,000 / day / violation. Refusal to close after issuance of a red plaque and license suspension can also result in additional fines of up to $ 1,000 / day.

It is critical at this time that all businesses and the public comply with recent state mandates requiring business owners to ensure employees and customers wear face masks correctly at all times, ” said Peter Oshiro, head of DOH’s food safety branch. “This is critical to curbing the spread of COVID-19 in our community, and customers can report food establishments that are not in compliance. ”

DOH’s Food Safety Branch protects and promotes the health of residents and visitors to Hawaii through the education of food industry workers and the regulation of food establishments statewide. The branch performs routine sanitary inspections of food establishments where food products are prepared, manufactured, distributed or sold. Management is also investigating the sources of COVID-19 outbreaks, foodborne illness and potential adulteration; and is responsible for mitigating it to avoid any future event. DOH food safety specialists work with business owners, food service workers and the food industry to ensure safe food preparation practices and sanitary conditions.

For more information on the department’s restaurant display program, visit

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PDF: Hawaii Department of Health presents second red sign to Doner Shack for failure to pay $ 3,000 fine and license renewal fee


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