Modern Warfare confirms a controversial customization feature


With Call of Duty: Modern war Arriving next month, fans are preparing to face what seems to be the most difficult experience of any franchise. Infinity Ward has been pretty open about what players can expect on the next installment, including some of the available modes, weapons and more. That said, there is some information that has been revealed that some fans may not be enthusiastic. In a recent update of Amazon's gambling list, it has been shown that the charms of arms will make their comeback in the upcoming title.

In the Amazon UK edition of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, One of the exclusive bonuses of the game is indeed a weapon charm, which means that they will likely appear in the next title. Thanks to Charlie INTEL for the intel, we can see that the charm comes with the exclusive version at Amazon UK. However, those who comment on the article are not very happy about the return of charms.

"It's only a filling to hide weapons underneath," said one user. "When you try to get this new ACR through refueling drops, you will get 1,000 weapon spells instead." When you finally get fed up with opening up supply drops and you decide to Play the game again, you will not be pissed off anymore .. match you join, you will be melted by this new gun that you want so badly, but will never get it. Call of Duty will NEVER change !! "

"Just a prelude to more than unnecessary shit to dilute the inevitable drops in supply," said another user. The reactions are certainly shared, some feeling that the charms of weapons are useless and others not really caring to be part of the game. In any case, it seems that the charms of arms will be part of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.

Call of Duty: Modern war should arrive officially on October 25th for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. For even more on the highly anticipated title, check out all our previous covers.

What do you think of all this? Do you accept the weapons charms in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, or do you have a problem with them? Tell us what you think in the comment section below!


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