Moderna vaccine may create twice as many COVID antibodies as Pfizer vaccine, study finds


Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine created more than twice as many antibodies as Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, according to a study comparing immune responses to inoculations.

The study of nearly 2,500 workers in a large Belgian hospital system revealed that the average antibody levels of those who took a full course of Moderna vaccine was 3836 U / mL while those who took a full course of Pfizer vaccine had antibody levels of 1444 U / mL.

Both vaccines have been shown to be very effective against serious illness and death.

The results of the study, published Monday in a letter to the Journal of the American Medical Association, suggest that the differences in immune response could be explained by two things:

  • Moderna vaccine contains more active ingredient than Pfizer vaccine (100 micrograms versus 30 micrograms).
  • The interval between doses of Moderna vaccine is longer than that of Pfizer vaccine. Moderna’s two shots are spread over four weeks while Pfizer’s shots are spread over three weeks.

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