Mom is looking for birthday cards for a son suffering from a rare skin disorder: "His life depends on it"


A desperate mother who said that her teenage son was exhausted after a lifetime devoted to a rare skin problem leaving him swollen and covered with painful wounds, asked his supporters to send him birthday cards to him cheer up.

"In recent months, he was tired of life," Tanya Williams, mother of Lancashire, England, told SWNS. "He's tired of hurting sores. He just wants to give up, he does not want to fight anymore. What are you doing as a mom?

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Williams' son, Rhys, was born with epidermolysis bullosa, a group of rare diseases causing blemish-prone skin that appears in response to a minor injury, including rubbing, scratching, or even tape. In severe cases, blisters can occur inside the body, especially in the lining of the mouth or stomach.

According to the Mayo Clinic, most epidermolysis bullosa, sometimes called "butterfly skin", are hereditary. There is no cure, although mild forms may improve with age Treatment usually consists of treating blisters and preventing new blisters.

His mother said his life was centered on school, Xbox and sleep because he was unable to play outside with friends.

His mother said his life was centered on school, Xbox and sleep because he was unable to play outside with his friends.

Severe forms of epidermolysis bullosa can cause the fusion of fingers or toes or abnormal flexion of the joints that can occur to the fingers, knees and elbows. Patients may have difficulty evacuating stools due to blisters, may have dental problems, run a risk of infection and sepsis, and have a high risk of skin cancer. Infants with a severe form of this disorder run an increased risk of death due to loss of body fluids, widespread blistering and breathing difficulties.

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"He's a happy boy most of the time, but recently it's hard to try to join him," Williams told SWNS about his 13-year-old son. "I do not think he can fight any longer, his life depends on it."

Rhys, who will be 14 years later this month and is on Xbox, now relies on a wheelchair because he is unable to straighten his legs. Williams said that they were changing his bandages up to three times a day and that his fingers had become sunk in the web, rendering him unable to play outside with friends and depending on morphine for pain.

Williams said she had had the idea of ​​asking for birthday cards to be sent to her after seeing how well he had responded to a similar campaign at Christmas.


"Every card he received was opened with a lot of joy," she told SWNS. "He was coming home from school and seeing these Christmas cards. He had hundreds at a time. It showed him that he still needed to fight, that there were people there who cared about him and loved him. Hope this will make him understand that not everything is bad.

For more information on sending a birthday card to Rhys, click here.


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