More Christian Summer Camps Experiencing Massive COVID Outbreaks | Hemant Mehta | Sympathetic atheist


Oh look. Another Christian summer camp where vaccines were not required for participants or staff. Another huge COVID epidemic.

This time it’s Camp Chautauqua in Miamisburg, Ohio, where more than 70 people have now tested positive for the virus.

The health department said contact tracing tasks are complex due to the number of participants across states, and efforts to control the outbreak have been hampered because event organizers were not fully cooperative.

“Since camp and event organizers did not respond to public health for several days after initial cases were recognized and failed to provide contact details for participants, accordingly, public health is asking anyone who attended the event to contact public health or their local health department, ā€¯officials said in a statement.

The Christians in Engage Ministries, who were there the week in question, were irresponsible with their camp rules, and now, showing the world why they cannot be trusted, they refuse to help alleviate the problem they have caused.

The camp director admits only one case of COVID. Monday, Chairman and CEO Jason Harmeyer said one student was “quarantined off campus,” but there is no mention of vaccines in that press release either. A woman who claims her son attended the camp said on Facebook that she “had never been contacted by anyone from the camp or the church to inform me” of the only COVID case that occurred. is then propagated to others.

Just stupid of these Christians to organize a big summer camp without making sure that all adults were immunized and that reasonable restrictions were in place for children who cannot yet be immunized. How many people have to die before one of these leaders takes the virus seriously enough to do the bare minimum? Hundreds of thousands of deaths in the United States are apparently not enough.

I thought I was done with this post, but got another email regarding a camp-related COVID outbreak and assumed it referred to the one mentioned above. Nope!

There was a separate outbreak affecting at least 11 people at Blue Grass Christian Camp in Lexington, Kentucky:

We received an email sent to parents at the camp stating that this week’s camp session was canceled after at least 11 people associated with the camp tested positive for the virus.

According to the emails, a few members of last week’s camp session have since tested positive for the virus, prompting the camp to test. unvaccinated staff and volunteers. Those results came back Tuesday morning and several staff members have tested positive.

Health department says there are more than 11 cases they report, but they don’t have exact totals because these patients live in other counties.

Once again, the story involves unvaccinated Christian adults who care so small about the children in their care, they are poised to spread a deadly virus that could have lifelong consequences for those children. You can’t trust adults here. And the parents who stupidly allowed their children to attend this camp also deserve the blame. They let their faith or their ignorance take precedence over the health of their own children.


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