More details on the potential stay-at-home order


Sonora, California – The Tuolumne County Public Health Department notes that California has yet to mandate a home support order for that area of ​​the state.

We reported yesterday that Tuolumne and Calaveras are clustered in the greater San Joaquin Valley area. Tuolumne County Public Health Director Michelle Jachetta says the region is near the 15% threshold of ICU beds that could prompt a stay-at-home directive, but stresses, “We would have advance notice of 24 hours if we met the criteria and needed to implement the order. We expect that to happen, based on projections and the number of cases that we continue to see. “

Jachetta wrote a on what the potential state order would mean for businesses. You can find it by clicking here. It also includes a link to a state website with additional information.

If a home support order is issued, it will last at least three weeks. When the regions exit, the counties will return to the relevant master plan level.

Jachetta encourages residents to take preventative measures such as hand washing, physical distancing and wearing a mask to slow the spread and limit the length of an order. She notes that if the county’s case level drops enough during a stay-at-home order, it may appear in a lower risk level, with red being just below purple. It would also reduce the pressure on local health systems.


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