More international criticism of controversial Hong Kong extradition bill as legislature yields to government demands


The controversial draft law on the extradition of Hong Kong sparked criticism from politicians from the European Union and the United States the same day, while lawmakers referred to an accelerated legislative process defined by the government.

On Friday, eight commissioners of the US Congressional Executive Committee on China (CECC) wrote to Executive Director Carrie Lam calling for the bill to be "withdrawn from scrutiny."

"We believe that the proposed legislation would irreparably undermine Hong Kong's cherished autonomy and the protection of human rights by allowing the Chinese government to seek the extradition of human beings from China. Business, journalists, human rights defenders and political activists residing in Hong Kong, "reads the letter.

Carrie Lam

Carrie Lam. Photo:

Commissioners added that the bill could "have a negative impact on the unique relationship between the United States and Hong Kong" – referring to the long-standing American policy of giving the city preferential treatment over to mainland China.

The bipartite letter was signed by Marco Rubio, Tom Cotton, Steve Daines of the US Senate, as well as James McGovern, Ben McAdams, Christopher Smith, Thomas Suozzi and Brian Mast of the US House of Representatives.

Earlier in the day, the European Union Office in Hong Kong and Macau issued a diplomatic move, in the form of a protest note, also addressed to Carrie Lam.

The EU office confirmed that representatives of its member states had met with Lam to "reiterate their concerns over the government's proposed amendments to Hong Kong's Fugitive Offenders Ordinance".

extradition of umbrella demonstration rally hong kong china (2)

Performance artist Kacey Wong (left). Photo:

The CCCB and the Office of the European Union have joined a growing list of foreign agencies who are worried about the bill, which would allow Hong Kong to transfer fugitives to countries with which it has not yet made restitution agreements.

Lam 's office confirmed to the press that the chief executive had met with EU officials on Friday, but had not specified what had been discussed.

Democrats thwarted at LegCo

In the past two months, pro-democracy legislators have sought to block the bill, fearing that residents will be extradited to mainland China – a concern that echoes the lawyers, journalists, foreign politicians and business.

However, these efforts were reduced on Friday, the committee of the legislature, composed mainly for the Beijing camp, voted 40 to 40 to prevent the bill from being examined by a committee. This meant that lawmakers had accepted the demands of Chief of Security John Lee, who had previously said the bill should be sent back to the main legislature on June 12.

house committee protest

Democrats protest at the House committee meeting. Photo: Apple Daily.

The House committee also voted 40 votes to dissolve the oversight committee of the extradition bill. Last month, a conflict of legitimacy between the pro-democracy and pro-Beijing camps provoked violent clashes between lawmakers.

Democrat James To has previously claimed to be the legitimate chairman of the relevant bills committee, while his political rivals have said that this role belongs to the legislator Abraham Shek. The debate became theoretical after the dissolution of the committee of bills by the committee of the House, while the Democrats tried in vain to block the movement.

At Friday's meeting, the Democracy Defense Camp spent two hours on a five-hour session addressing procedural issues, before four of their members – Claudia Mo, Eddie Chu, Au Nok-hin and Ted Hui – be expelled from the room. to protest.

The Legislative Council Secretariat has also implemented new measures targeting journalists, claiming that they were needed to prevent the chaotic scenes that occurred earlier this month.

The secretariat used a cordon to divide the hallway outside meeting room 1 into a "press area" and a "LegCo members alley" and kept the photographers out of the room. meeting.

ann chiang house committee

Pro-Beijing legislator Ann Chiang removes posters from the pro-democracy camp. Photo: Apple Daily.

After the meeting, Claudia Mo, head of the campaign for democracy, said that the chairman of the House and Legislative Committee of the DAB, Starry Lee, wanted to give a false impression that the legislature had "calmed down" .

"Yes [Lee] pretends to defuse the situation, we will challenge it until the end, "Mo said." The main reason for persisting is to expose the hypocrisy of the pro-Beijing camp. They are d & # 39; agree with the government, persuaded that they can deceive the public if they give a good show. "

The Civil Rights Human Rights Front (CHRF) planned to hold a protest against the bill on June 9 – the third in the space of three months – and said it hoped to muster 300,000 Hong Kongers.

"Unlikely" to target foreigners

Thursday, the newspapers supported by Beijing Wen Wei Po and Ta Kung Pao quoted an unidentified "authoritative source," saying the extradition bill would target mainly residents of the mainland and Hong Kong people who commit crimes on the continent and take refuge in Hong Kong.

han zheng two sessions

First Deputy Prime Minister Han Zheng meets delegates from Hong Kong and Macao. Photo: screen capture.

Although the law may target Hong Kong nationals who threatened national security in Hong Kong, the source said that these cases would be "generally handled by the Hong Kong courts in accordance with local laws" – without, however, ruling out the possibility of extradition.

The law could also affect foreigners who commit crimes against the Chinese state or its citizens, but the source said such cases would be "very unlikely" and that China should take into account additional factors such as diplomatic relations.

Comments were made after Chinese Vice Premier Han Zheng voted in favor of the extradition bill on Tuesday, becoming the highest official in the Chinese state to publicly endorse the bill. .

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