Most Common Reason You’re Always Bloated, Dietitians Say


a person holding an object in their hand: bloating

© Provided by Eat This, Not That!

Bloating, often caused by too much gas, constipation, and problems with dieting, can not only make you feel embarrassed about your appearance, but it can also be physically uncomfortable. Fortunately, it’s not impossible to banish bloating and feel more comfortable in your favorite pants. The first step to getting rid of bloating? Identify the root cause.

As mentioned, there are many reasons why you can have bloating, from overeating to water retention, but dietitians tell us that one of the the most common reasons you’re bloated are that your gut microbiome is out of balance – and stress can be to blame.

Your gut microbiome and bloating

“For some people, they may experience bloating due to the fact that their microbiome is out of balance; in other words, there are too many “bad” bacteria compared to “good” “, says Keri Gans, MS, RDN, CDN, dietitian and author of The regime of small changes.

The gut microbiome is a community of trillions of microorganisms that inhabit your large intestine. These microbes help your body break down food, produce vitamins and hormones, support your immune response, promote a healthy digestive system, and may even modulate your mood and cognitive health.

“Gut health influences our overall well-being and is determined by the bacteria in it, which can influence our energy and mood, our immune health and even our ability to focus,” says Cara Harbstreet, MS, RD, LD a professional dietitian specializing in intuitive eating based in Kansas City.

When your gut health is disrupted, Harbstreet says bloating and other digestive issues can be side effects. (Related: 100 Most Unhealthy Foods On The Planet.)

How stress can cause poor gut health

An imbalance between good and bad bacteria in your gut microbiome can be caused by several factors, including the use of antibiotics, a diet low in plant foods, and even stress.

“When we are stressed, we often experience changes in our digestion that can cause bloating. Psychological stress can lead to changes in gut sensitivity, our ability to move food through the digestive tract, and digestive secretions to name a few. changes can impact bloating, ”says Colleen Christensen, RD dietitian and founder of the brand

It might seem strange at first to think that stress actually makes you sick in your stomach on a molecular level, but it won’t be so surprising once you understand that the gut and the brain are directly linked.

“Have you ever felt ‘nauseous’ because of a situation or experienced ‘butterflies in your stomach’? These feelings are the [gut and the brain] to talk to! », Says a registered dietitian Jillian Smith, RD, LD.

“Our digestive tract (aka our gut) and brain communicate intimately via millions of nerves and neurons, working back and forth. We call this line of communication the gut-brain axis. Gut health will affect brain health. and brain health will affect gut health, ”says Smith.

“This is to say that stress and anxiety often manifest as digestive distress, with uncomfortable bloating being a common culprit. This is why nutrition alone cannot be the only thing to consider when trying to cure bloat. You can eat the perfect diet, but if your stress isn’t managed, your bloat can’t be resolved! So now you know that one of the main side effects of being overly stressed, science says, is bloating!

What can you do to improve the health of your gut microbiome and reduce bloating?

There are several different angles you can take to heal your gut microbiome.

Reduce stress as much as possible. “To beat bloat, engage in daily stress reduction activities: take 4 deep breaths before meals to relax your mind and gut, eat slowly and without distractions, and chew your food until you have a compote of apples bite), ”says Smith.

Eat more probiotics. “[One way to mediate excess bloating is] by introducing beneficial products into your diet that help maintain your gut health. Probiotics, living microorganisms that have a positive impact on gut bacteria, help maintain a healthy gut. Probiotics have been shown to improve symptoms associated with IBS, including bloating and abdominal pain. Hayley Miller, MS, RDN at Persona Nutrition. Miller recommends probiotic supplements or foods high in probiotics like yogurt, fermented foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, and miso, and fermented teas like kombucha.

Ask a registered dietitian about a low FODMAP diet. FODMAPs are a type of carbohydrate that is not well absorbed by most people and can cause additional levels of intestinal distress in people with sensitive digestive tracts. “Since FODMAPs are quickly digested and fermented by bacteria in the colon [in your gut microbiome], this rapid fermentation can lead to excessive gas production resulting in bloating and abdominal discomfort, “says Miller.” One way to remedy this is to follow a low-FODMAP diet, which has been shown to significantly reduce abdominal pain and bloating in people with IBS. “Please note that it is strongly recommended that you work with an expert if you wish to try a low FODMAP diet; this is a restrictive diet that is only meant to be temporary and, if done improperly, may result in unwanted side effects.

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