Mushrooms reduce risk of cognitive decline, study finds


mushrooms-reduce-cognitive decline
The results may be due to a unique antioxidant found in fungi. (Photo: Adobe Do not use without permission.)

Eating mushrooms could significantly reduce the risk of cognitive decline, according to a study conducted six years ago by the National University of Singapore (NUS).

The researchers found that consuming two servings (150 g) of common fungi a week reduced by 50% the chance of having a mild cognitive impairment (MCI).

The study also showed that eating a small portion of mushrooms a week may still "be beneficial in reducing the risk of MCI".

NUS News states that: "MCI is generally considered to be the stage between the cognitive decline of normal aging and the more severe decline of dementia.

Older people with MCI often have some form of memory loss or forgetfulness and may also have a deficit of other cognitive functions such as language, attention and visuospatial abilities. "

The study referred to golden mushrooms, oysters, shiitakes and white mushrooms, but researchers believe that other varieties of mushrooms will bring the same benefits to MCI.

"This correlation is surprising"

The lead author of the study and NUS Assistant Professor, Feng Lei, said: "This correlation is surprising and encouraging.It seems that a single commonly available ingredient could have a dramatic effect on the cognitive decline. "

The researchers believe that the reason for the reduction in the prevalence of MCI in weekly mushroom consumers could be due to a compound called ergothionein (ET), a naturally occurring amino acid found in fungi.

Dr. Irwin Cheah, Senior Research Scientist at NUS Biochemistry, said, "ET is a unique anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory drug that humans are unable to synthesize on their own, but it can be obtained from dietary sources. one of the main ones being mushrooms. "


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