Mysterious bowls of mashed potatoes confuse the Mississippians


JACKSON, Miss. (AP) – People in Jackson, Mississippi, are baffled by bowls of mashed potatoes they find on their cars, porches and mailboxes.

Resident Jordan Lewis described the Belhaven neighborhood as an unusual place, locals decorating signs and putting Christmas trees in potholes.

"So, we do not know if someone just does a joke or if someone just has a lot of leftovers," Lewis said.

But Sebastian Bjernegard said some locals feared a more sinister message behind the potatoes.

"Some people thought that mashed potatoes were poisoned to kill animals," he said, noting that he almost got into a bowl of potatoes on Tuesday. "I have not tasted. I have a rule of three seconds, so I have not touched it. But some people were worried.

It is unclear if anyone ate potatoes and the media report that locals have not alerted the forces of order.

Resident Michaela Lin said some potato researchers have links to a local private Christian university, which could be a clue.


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