Mysterious monolith in rural Utah has gone missing, officials say


In the same way that a mysterious monolith appeared in rural Utah, it just as quickly and inexplicably vanished, according to the Utah Bureau of Land Management.

“We have received credible information that the illegally installed structure known as the ‘monolith’ has been removed from public lands of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) by an unknown party,” the Bureau of Land Management said in a released statement. on Facebook. the Saturday.

The office said it had not removed the monolith, citing the structure as private property. He also said he was not investigating matters regarding private property and that any investigation would be left to the local sheriff’s office.

The monolith was reportedly removed on Friday evening, the statement said. The images now show a cairn, stack or mound of stones built as a memorial or landmark, where the monolith once stood.

On November 18, while conducting a routine Bighorn Sheep wildlife mission in the southeastern state, a helicopter crew from the Utah Department of Public Safety’s Aeronautical Office discovered the confusing structure.

Pilot Bret Hutchings said officers spotted the object in a remote area of ​​red rock, and he quickly drew comparisons to a fictional alien structure from the movie “2001: A Space Odyssey”.

“He was like, ‘Whoa, whoa, whoa, turn around, turn around!’ And I was like, “What.” And he’s like, ‘There’s this stuff over there – we have to go watch it!’ “Hutchings told NBC affiliate KSL. “We just flew directly overhead.”

The structure was about “10 and 12 feet tall,” according to Hutchings, who said he thought the structure was a “new wave” art installation.

“While we cannot comment on ongoing investigations, the Bureau of Land Management would like to remind visitors to public lands that the use, occupation or development of public lands or their resources without proper authorization is illegal. , whatever planet you are on, ”the Utah Department of Public Safety said in a statement after the structure was discovered.

As of Sunday, it was still unclear who installed the room and officials never specified its location.


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