Microsoft fans are eager to see a Surface Phone device


Are you looking forward to seeing a Surface brand phone come on the market? Enough enough to sign a petition? A group of Microsoft fans wants to put pressure on the tech giant to bring out a Surface that fits in your pocket, to the point that they have created an online petition to collect names.

With 3000 signatures and up at the time With regard to writing, the petition seems to be attracting a lot of interest, but it remains to be seen if this will be enough to turn heads and to modify the engineering plans at Microsoft. "I would have no objection to paying between $ 799 and $ 999 for this phone if it happened and would look like the pictures we saw of these leaks," says Zachary Hinski, who says that "the Money is power "and Microsoft will be" forced into action "if the petition manages to muster enough momentum online.

The Long History of the Surface Phone

Of course, rumors have been circulating around the tech world for years now, but we still do not know if it's a real device. We have seen clues in the code for Windows 10, concept images mocked on the web, and patents filed by Microsoft showing the existence of such a device.

The decline and fall of Windows Phone seemed to have harmed the chances of getting a smartphone manufactured by Microsoft, but then the company started releasing a pretty good line of surface hardware, so it seemed like A mobile could be back on the cards.

More recently, we have heard rumors that Microsoft wants to build something that is half smartphone, half tablet, powered by a new developing operating system called Andromeda. It would certainly complement the Microsoft Surface device family – but it remains to be seen whether a petition will influence one way or another MIcrosoft.

Via The Next Web

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