Has Nintendo solved the problem of switch piracy with new hardware?

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Rumors are circulating that a slightly revised Nintendo Switch would now affect distribution channels, applying hardware correction to a critical bootloader flaw discovered the year The last that opened the tools to make this piracy on a larger scale became public in April, but there is good and bad news depending on your frame of reference.

Nintendo Switch Retail Package Nintendo United Kingdom

If you are curious about the intricacies of the exploit present in the processors of Nvidia Tegra for almost ten years, I've covered this here and here, the problem being that the Fault was discovered in the ROM The ROM of Switch (or Read Only Memory) at boot time could not be corrected with firmware or software update Only an update Hardware of the console would do the trick.

a complete operation nal Linux, the entire library SNES Classic, Gamecube and N64 emulators among others. Including direct gambling piracy.

As reported on the Resetera Forums (via Tech Radar), it appears that Nintendo's refreshed Switch hardware incorporates a method called iPatches. "These are fuses with specific bits of code that fix flaws in boot processes and other hardware-level operations," writes Vena, a member of the Resetera community. "These can not be applied after leaving the factory (because the fuse for writing or editing is blown)."

In theory, these refreshed consoles will soon be in circulation and the original bootloader flaw will be eradicated. Mod chips sold by some hacking groups will be ineffective on new hardware.

However, it also means that about 18 to 20 million Switch consoles can remain vulnerable to this particular feat forever. This is not an insignificant number.

Debian Linux running on Nintendo Switch fail0overflow / Twitter

I already see some web users lamenting this absolutely necessary initiative of Nintendo, stating that they are not interested in a switch without homebrew . I can understand the benefit of having other applications available. On the other hand, consoles are never meant to be a homebrew haven in the first place. And in the case of the Switch, it's not like there was a shortage of software.

Unfortunately, the existence of a homebrew still means the possibility of hacking, and if this spiral is fatal to the life of a console to drastically reduce what could be a Healthy and dynamic game library.

I am relieved that Nintendo has been at the top of it, and I suspect that they have not been able to impose it recently. The new Switch hardware comes with version 4.1.0 of the system that was released in December 2017. So, if all of this is true, Nintendo has been following this since the first words of the exploit have been released.

On a note, I am very curious how this whole situation can affect the relationship between Nvidia and Nintendo go from the front. This was a critical flaw in Nvidia's Tegra chips, and it took the Switch's overall success for someone to notice it.

I contacted Nintendo PR for confirmation and comment, and I am going to update this story ">

Rumors are circulating that a slightly revised Nintendo Switch would now affect channels of distribution, applying a hardware fix to a critical bootloader flaw discovered last year that opened the door to homebrew and hacking.The tools to enable this hacking on a larger scale are made public in April , but there is good news and bad news that derives from this development according to your frame of reference

Nintendo Switch Nintendo France

I am curious to know the subtleties of the exploit which has been present in Nvidia Tegra processors for almost ten years, and I've covered it here and there, the problem being that the flaw was discovered in the Switch ROM (or R ead Only Me mory) during startup, it could not be corrected with firmware or software update. Only a hardware refresh of the console would do the trick.

To date, this exploit has allowed the Switch to run a fully operational Linux installation, the entire SNES Classic library, Gamecube and N64 emulators among other things. Including hacking straight-up game.

As stated in the Resetera forums (via Tech Radar), it seems that Nintendo's refreshed switch hardware incorporates a method known as iPatches. "These are fuses with specific bits of code that fix flaws in boot processes and other hardware-level operations," writes Vena, a member of the Resetera community. "These can not be applied after leaving the factory (because the fuse for writing or editing is blown)."

In theory, these refreshed consoles will soon be in circulation and the original bootloader flaw will be eradicated. Mod chips sold by some hacking groups will be ineffective on newer hardware.

However, this also means that about 18 to 20 million Switch consoles may remain vulnerable to this particular feat forever.

Debian Linux running on Nintendo Switch fail0overflow / Twitter

I already see some web users lamenting this absolutely necessary Nintendo initiative, stating that they are not interested in a switch without homebrew . I can understand the benefit of having other applications available. On the other hand, consoles are never meant to be a homebrew haven in the first place. And in the case of the Switch, it's not like there was a shortage of software.

Unfortunately, the existence of a homebrew still means the possibility of hacking, and if this spiral is fatal to the life of a console to drastically reduce what could be a Healthy and dynamic game library.

I am relieved that Nintendo has been at the top of it, and I suspect that they have not been able to impose it recently. The new Switch hardware comes with version 4.1.0 of the system that was released in December 2017. So, if all of this is true, Nintendo has been following this since the first words of the exploit have been released.

On a note, I am very curious how this whole situation can affect the relationship between Nvidia and Nintendo go from the front. This was a critical flaw in Nvidia's Tegra chips, and it took the Switch's overall success for someone to notice it.

I contacted Nintendo PR for confirmation and comment, and I will update this story to answer.

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