Apple Week in Review: High-tech Crime, Advances for the Apple Pro Community and More


In Patently Apple's Weekly Review, we highlight the best stories that have distinguished themselves from the hype of everyday high-tech crime reporting to the new MacBook Pros.

Espionage of high technology? Ex-Apple Engineer Taken …

  2 X Project Cover Titan "border =" 0 "class =" asset asset-image at-xid-6a0120a5580826970c022ad35b045e200c image full img-sensitive "src =" http: // www. / .a / 6a0120a5580826970c022ad35b045e200c-800wi "style =" display: block; left margin: auto; margin-right: auto; "title =" 2 X Titan Project Coverage "/> <br /> </span> </p>
<p style= There have been some surprises this week, starting with a former Apple employee arrested for stealing secrets from the Titan project. Apple Inc. was arrested for stealing autonomous vehicle secrets from a Chinese startup after crossing the security checkpoint at the San Jose International Airport to board China

A solution to the MacBook Pro keyboard of Apple? Apple updates the MacBook Pro


On a more positive note, Apple has updated its MacBook Pro this week in increasing its performance, supporting 32GB of memory (which the pros had shouting) and delivered a new silicone membrane to the keyboard to hopefully prevent dirt from passing under the keys.

Adobe mounts on the plate and Speaks Photoshop for the iPad Pro [19659009] 4 X Adobe Photoshop arrives on iPad Pro “border =” 0 “class =” asset asset-image at- xid-6a0120a5580826970c022ad3810a51200d image-complète img-sensible “src =” “style =” affichage: bloc; marge-gauche: auto; margin-right: auto; “title =” 4 X couverture Adobe Photoshop venant sur iPad Pro “/>

End of the week Adobe has confirmed that creatives could run Photoshop on the Apple iPad Pro in the Adobe Cloud Product Manager Creative Belsky, Scott Belsky, said: "It is necessary to take a product as sophisticated and powerful as Photoshop and make sure that working on a modern device like the iPad. "Specifically, he pointed to the iPad Pro:" The newer versions of the iPad Pro are now powerful enough to support Adobe applications.

Top IP News of the Week


  5 Foldable Flex Cover

Apple's new IP this week included the granting of an iPhone patent collapsible, the advancement of intelligent tissue technology in a new patent application and Apple has been sued for patent infringement regarding their feature iOS 11 "Do not disturb."

Apple supports the l & # 39; Malala Fund Expansion in Latin America

  6 malala fund apple

Apple announced on Friday that it supported the expansion of the Malala Fund in Latin America that they launched a New collaboration between its 10 Apple Developer Academies in Brazil and Malala Fund to promote the education of girls As part of its new expansion in Latin America, Malala Fund, which works for a safe and quality secondary education and opportunities for girls, also offered L The activists will join the Malala Fund's Gulmakai Champions Network and implement projects across the country aimed at empowering girls, teachers and policymakers through skills development, school enrollment and educational efforts. the defense of education

[19659004] One of the most advanced Apple stores to open in Milan Italy on July 26

  7 The opening of the Apple store has been delayed. a week until July 26th "border =" 0 "class =" asset asset-image at-xid -6a0120a5580826970c022ad3810a5f200d image-complete img-sensitive "src =" 6a0120a5580826970c022ad3810a5f200d-800wi "style =" display: block; left margin: auto; margin-right: auto; "title =" 7 The opening of the Apple store has been delayed for a week until July 26 "/> <br /> </span> </p>
<p style= Last month the new Apple Store Piazza Liberty For a reason unknown, Apple has delayed the official opening of a week and will open the store on July 26, reports the Storeteller from Germany, which will certainly be one of the best designs of & dquo; Apple to date

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