Nanso worries about the challenges of rural learners


Concerned … Nanso's president, Ester Simon, addressed learners on Friday in Walvis Bay

Eveline de Klerk

WALVIS BAY – The National Organization of Namibian Students (Nanso) is concerned about the challenges faced by some learners in rural areas.

The national student body structure, led by President Ester Simon, was visiting the Erongo region on Friday to revive dormant structures in the region and address learners on issues such as teenage pregnancy, Drug abuse and discipline. Simon said it's hard to see that some learners, especially in rural areas, are still taught under trees, sleep on cold soils, and travel long distances to school [19659005]. even 60 learners in some classrooms and some even share a chair, "Simon told the learners on Friday.

Simon visited several parts of the country for He added that access to education is highly compromised by what learners experience daily and that these are factors that prevent them from accessing to education. Challenges to be met if Namibia expects excellent results from its learners.

"We complain about results at the end of the year, but we do not identify the root causes of poor performance. That's why we need students and learners to take the initiative to bring these issues to light, "she said.
It is therefore important that regional structures be re-launched in all regions to examine the problems that learners face. Simon also urged learners to address issues such as teenage pregnancy, drug abuse and poor discipline, among others, as these are the major problems affecting learner performance. in schools.

"You should engage with each other on these issues, and tell each other that social activities should not be the driving force for which you are in school. Better, because your future is in your hands Let us study hard and aim to become educated and productive citizens of the country that she said.

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