Trump slams against the EU


President Donald Trump blasted Thursday after Brussels hit Google tech giant Google with a record fine, and warned that it would no longer allow Europe to take "the advantage " the United States.

"I told you so! The European Union has just fined Google $ 5 billion," Trump tweeted in reaction to the $ 4.34 billion penalty. Euros imposed on Google for abusing the dominance of its mobile operating system.

advantage of the United States, but not for long! "By announcing the fine on Wednesday, European Commissioner Margrethe Vestager has accused Google of using the near-handful of the Android system on smartphones and tablets to promote the use of its own engine. Google search while excluding rivals.

This decision, which follows a three-year EU investigation, raises fears of a transatlantic trade war because of President Donald Trump's decision. imposing tariffs on European steel and aluminum exports

.2.4 billion fine, which was also aimed at Google, in this case the service of comparison of Silicon Valley's purchases in 2017.

Vestager ordered Google to "end this behavior within 90 days or pay penalties" of up to five percent of its sales figure. average daily business.

Google's decision intervened a week before the head of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, went to the United States for crucial talks with the US President on the tariff dispute and other issues.

Google chief Sundar Pichai immediately said that the company would appeal.

"Today 's decision rejects the business model that supports Android, which has created more choice for everyone, no less. We intend to make call, "he said in a blog post

Google offers Android to smartphone manufacturers and generates the bulk of its revenue by selling advertisements appearing along with search results. 80% of mobile devices, in Europe and in the world.

The Android case came about when a lobby group called FairSearch – with members including major technology companies such as Microsoft, Nokia and Oracle – complained that Google was unfairly tipping the field of competition.

Google's parent company, Alphabet, ranked fifth in the world in information technology companies in 2017 with an overall business figure of $ 111 billion, according to Forbes magazine


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